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Sat, 6 Jul 1996 13:07:39 -0400
Denise Nadeau <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi ferret friends!
It's been a long time since I've posted.  My 4 year old, Tyler, passed away
unexpectedly in May, and I haven't had the strength to write.  Reading alone
makes me sob!  Simon, my 5 year old, and I REALLY miss Tyler.  In fact, I
still see him on occasion.  Weird, huh?  Anyone else still catch a glimpse
of your furry out of the corner of your eye?
Anyway, Simon and I are moving to Houston, TX at the end of July.  We're
going to stay with my cousin for a month or two, until I can save up enough
cash to get our own place.  I NEED SOME ADVICE!  My cousin is NOT very
ferret friendly.  She calls Simon "that thing." I've never kept my furries
in a cage, and don't intend to start.  My cousin has agreed to let me keep
Simon out of a cage, yet confined to one room.  However, she's already
warned me that she's going to flip if he tears up the carpet or scratches up
the floorboards/door.  HOW CAN I FERRETPROOF?  After 5 years, I don't know
how.  How can I make this transition easier for him?  He just lost his
little buddy, and now I'm changing his environment completely.  He HATES
closed doors, and I KNOW he'll scratch trying to get out.  Of course, I've
already reassured her that I can fix it so he doesn't!  HELP!
Also, if there are any Houston buddies out there, please let me know.  I'd
like to get involved down there.
Thanks so much for listening...
Denise & Simon (5) missing Tyler (went to ferret heaven 5/3/96)
[Posted in FML issue 1624]