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Mon, 17 Jun 1996 00:28:16 -0400
Alicia K Drakiotes / Ferret Wise Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Reading the FML a reader asked about AVID'S micro chip.  Well after
researching for over a year, we at Ferret Wise decided it was the way to go.
This wonderful little chip (about the size of a grain of rice) is injected
subcutaneously under the skin in the area of the shoulders (or just behind).
It is a quick procedure and the shelter has to date since starting Feb.  96
installed over 20 in ferrets.  There have been no complications, infections
etc.  All ferrets received the chip from the shelter vet and were caged for
a minimum of four hours after-- to restrict movement and thus promote the
chip to settle and the healing process to begin.
We feel this will be a great advantage in the vaccination dilemma as more
and more states fight to legislate quarantine periods.  With the ferret
microchipped the vet has vaccination records which can then be associated
with a permanent form of identification.  No more well maybe it was this
ferret or that.  ADDITIONALLY the ferret has a great means of finding it's
way back home if lost or stolen-- those who live in densely populated areas
know this does happen... if the ferret makes it to a local SPCA or shelter--
they have readers which can pick up the microchip number and there you have
it a connection to get the ferret back home!
In my opinion I think it is the greatest thing since ferrets!  And this
company offers a free program to shelters -- well sort of -- they will
supply a reader free if you agree to scan all incoming animals to the
shelter.  Shelters can then order the chips at a reduced price they are
shipped to the vet.... and then you can identify the ferrets whom you care
for vaccinate and then place.
What a wonderful tool!
A happy shelter Mom  (who was so skeptical at first)
[Posted in FML issue 1604]