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Sat, 15 Jun 1996 17:45:33 -0400
"TIMOTHY P. CURREY" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Greetings from Manassas, Virginia!  We would like to introduce our two
"fuzzies" to you all.  First Ferret--male, Shamus, a sable about eight
months old, and Auxilary Ferret,Powder, female, white w/dark eyes, about l
year old.  Powder just came to live with us a few days ago.  She is a
sweetheart!  We travel alot doing fieldwork (not bones, artifacts, Bob), and
always take Shamus.  He does wonderfully in hotels, but we thought he might
get lonely during the days, hence Powder.  Anyway, it took them about two
days to get to be best of friends.  They are at the moment sleeping in our
storage room in a ferret furry ball.  (Yes, they have the run of our house.)
Can I tell you all a couple of short Shamus stories?  Last winter, during
the HUGE snowstorms we were snowed in.  One morning I was sitting in the
living room, and Shamus ran in from his "ferret room" (a sunroom off of the
l.r.), and went into the bedroom.  My SO, Tim, called and asked me why S.
was wet.  ????  Wet!  Turned out the little bugger had pushed the door to
the outside open, romped around in the snow for who knows how long, (we
could see tons of ferret pawprints out there!), then decided COLD!!!  and
returned!  Last night we came home late, and he came to meet us, COVERED
WITH MUD!!!  He had made another escape.  The giant thunderstorms that had
been through our area had left the yard fairly muddy---and the couch in the
ferret room has streaks on it where the little furball had tried to dry
himself after his frolic in the rain.  Needless to say, ferret room is
off-limits until the door is fixed AGAIN.  We would have had heart attacks
if we had known he was out of doors while we were gone!  We love that little
Sorry so long.  Looking forward to fun and informative "chat" on this
site.  Love, Denise and Tim
[Posted in FML issue 1603]