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Thu, 13 Jun 1996 11:14:18 EDT
"HARRISON,REGINA,MS" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Hi all--
This isn't exactly a request for advice-- it's just that I need to vent my
frustration about this to people who really understand!  This morning I was
woken up by the ferrets fighting inside my nightshirt.  I was in the
nightshirt too.  This is not a good way to wake up.  I sat bolt upright,
tumbling the ferrets out, and spent the next half hour trying to convince
Cully not to jump Amelia, and trying to convince Amelia not to bite Cully if
he hadn't bit her yet.  Cully was just awful, and I finally put him out of
the bed.  Bounced right back up, and attacked me.  I had a crying Amelia in
one hand, Cully latched onto the other (not just teeth, but holding my hand
with his arms too)-- out of frustration I scruffed Cully with my teeth.  He
cried and let go of my hand.  I held him and talked to him for a minute,
then put him back on the floor-- bounce right back up and attacked me again.
He got a big time out then.  This really feels like backsliding to me,
especially since during the last week he's been greeting me when I come home
each afternoon and hanging out with me.  He won't let himself be held long,
but he will sit beside me for a little bit, and I felt like we were making
some real progress.  I suppose he's just jealous of Amelia, but what can I
do if she's a cuddler and he isn't?  I talk to him, I scratch his back, but
he gets mad when I won't let him bite her.  And how the heck are the three
of us going to live in one room together?
Frustration vented, thank you.
Re: ticks-- nobody seems to have mentioned this, so I thought I would.  As
far as I know, the only ticks that carry Lyme Disease are the small deer
ticks, not the big ugly ones (well, not that the small ones are necessarily
pretty, but I can't see them well enough to know).  The smaller ticks are
usually referred to as freckle-sized.  I think, again I'm not positive, that
you're likeliest to find them in tall grasses and weeds.
And misc.: Boy am I glad to live somewhere with a reasonable rabies policy.
Quebec calls for a ten day quarantine, with vet exams at the beginning and
end of the period.  Anybody who wanted to chop off my bugs' heads to test
them for rabies would have to chop mine off first.
Carla: _loved_ the circus line!!!
CaCa Bob-- don't horses' tails keep growing too? Hope that puts you in
a tailspin!
Regina (no fighting on Mom!)
Amelia and Cully (he/she bit me first, she/he started it!)
[Posted in FML issue 1601]