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Mon, 10 Jun 1996 03:28:36 -0600
Kelleen and the FANG Gang <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (97 lines)
Hi all,
This will be my absolutely last mention at this time on the subject of free
ranging ferrets.  I feel this has gotten ridiculousy out of control all over
two posts with differing viewpoints.  I had every much right to say my
viewpoint as Adrienne did hers.  Now it seems to be carrying on into a small
war or something and I will no longer be a part of it.
To Debbie R.  : I really hope you are not implying that I intentionally put
my ferrets in harm's way?  I can see where your comments could and possibly
have been taken that way by others who pop in once in awhile and never see
the following responses.  Only because you seem to have such a need to know
will I answer your question regarding my dog and my ferrets.
1st off both of my dogs are the sweetest little girls you could ever want.
They LOVE the ferrets and my Terrier is the one that plays with them most
often.  Very gently and lots of fun for both animals.  I trust her
implicitly with the ferrets and have had quite some time to watch them
interact now with never a single bad or near bad incident having occurred.
For two reasons only my dogs are not left alone with the ferrets whenever
I am out.
1.  My dogs usually come with me as it is their time away from home and
their rest away from the ferrets.  They insist on accompanying me unless it
is soooo hot that I do not allow it for their health safety.
2.  At those times I leave them outside with no access to the inside so that
they will not go poody or pee on my carpets.  They used to have free access
to the outside via the doggie door until my little furkids came.  They too
have made sacrifices for their new friends and yet they love them more every
If for whatever reason I am doing something that could be harmful to my kids
ie.  cleaning etc..  then they are shut in the shelter room or another room
for the duration.  We are VERY careful here to see that their safety is not
compromised in any way possible other than locking them up for 8 to 12 hours
a day.  That is my belief and what I have chosen to do in my own home.
Obviously not everyone can do as I do or would want to, that is purely their
choice and their call.  I NEVER once said my way was the only way.  I simply
wanted to state the opinion and viewpoint of someone who does not do what
Adrienne feels is best for them.  I am not alone in this opinion either
quite obviously.  It simply depends on the circumstances of each ferret
parent as to what needs to be done in their situation.
I have lived in this town since I was 1 yrs.  old and my parents, I and all
of our friends have never had our homes broken into.  It is safe to say that
the risk of this occuring to me is very minimal due to the amount of time I
AM at home.  A burglar would have a ridiculousy small window of opportunity
to break into my home.  If they cased the place they would see the weirdest
schedule on earth and could never make any real plans of when it would be
best to do so.  And would they be brave enough to go up against me or try to
harm my animals while I am home then my 45 calibur pistol would be a great
reason for them to not continue.  If I or my animals was to be in jeopardy
believe me I would use it without hesitation.  I am a Momma bear and they
are all my cubs and I would defend to the death.
I own my own home so NO ONE ever comes in here w/o my permission or sprays
insecticides etc... Again I see the caging point if this is your situation.
Also since the kids have been no longer caged none of them choose to go back
to their very big and plush cage for any length of time.  To get a drink,
eat some food etc..  maybe but nothing else.  They have food and drink all
over the house so there is no need for them to go there unless they wish to.
In the shelter room their bed is in a smaller cage and they do not mind that
because they are NEVER locked in it unless some real unusal occurence takes
place.  And lastly my ferrets absolutely NEVER go outside unless they are
caged or on a leash or it is one ferret in a closed off space with me
constantly hovering over him/her.  I do not believe that ferrets are safe
when left to roam the great outdoors.  In the car they are always in their
big parrot/travel cage with two hammocks, litter box, water, food, etc...
So do not worry yourself that my animals, be them dog or ferret, are ever
put in harm's way intentionally in my home.  THEY ARE NOT!  Thank you for
your time and as I said this is the LAST time I will speak on this subject
at this time.  I doubt BIG appreciates the amount of posts on it already.
Sorry BIG, I had no idea this would happen just by telling my viewpoint on
the situation.  TNT!
*      Kelleen Andrews  &  Her FANG GANG!!!!          *
*  President and Founder of F.A.N.G. Shelter/Club     *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705           *
*      208-342-7292                                   *
*      [log in to unmask]                               *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
[Moderator's note: Actually, I thought the "To cage or not to cage" exchange
was pretty good - brought up lots of info on both sides of the issue.  It
may be getting stale by now though, but I certainly didn't ever see it as
being hostile.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1598]