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Thu, 6 Jun 1996 18:36:37 EDT
Dayna Frazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
this is my third message to try to tell you about this..if it does not get
thru many of you will be getting personal copies to ask you to try to post
it for me!!
Yesterday afternoon a person appeared..A white Knight in Shining Armor...and
with a wave of a magic card purchased a gorgeous new 14,000 BTU air
conditioner...energy efficient and 110 volt unit also cleans the pollution
out of the air.  I spent last night prepping the hole and constructing the
shelf and braces and shortly my neighbor will be over to help me lift the
unit [155 lbs] up into the opening and secure it!  I have found I can no
longer press my weight over my head..drat old age anyhow!
I had discussed her posting a message but with the fml mail problem I was
not aware she actually had done so until the e-mail check showed response to
a post I couldn't get to read..  'Puters...!!
This person not only instantly solved the clinics biggest problem in its
history but gave another priceless gift as well.  Tiny Starshine was finally
old enough to have her own family and it was Love at first nibble..I think.
she took to playing right off and the clinics Knight seems to like her a lot
too..  so she has a beautiful new home and everything a little fuzzy could
want!!  Now this is SOME fuzzy lover!!
the person shall remain as was requested, a shadow person that does not
publicity here... just to save the fuzzys from the heat and pollution..
TO EVERYONE WITH A GIFT ENROUTE!!!  Please e-mail me immediately as to what
you wishes are for your contribution!  Anyone wanting the funds returned may
be sure they will be on the way by return mail..  as Kelleens post was NEEDS
SPECIFIC and you may want to save your help for the forseeable emergencies
in other fuzzy help places!!  If I do not hear from you I plan to use any
resident funds to take advantage of an offer to get supplies from a vet.
supply house... and to fill the same lists for Chere and for Kelleens
facilities..  Routine treatment that could easily be handled at home runs
vet bills up thru the roof and this way shelter donations will go much
farther..  not to mention late night use that would other wise have to wait
for regular hours or have a huge urgent care bill to pay.  After that any
funds [and there will be as a friend of a fr..etc.  is the contact for the
vet warehouse] will go toward filling habitat needs, fuzzy needs etc, such
as food and blankets etc.  at the three shelters...any funds still wanted to
come here only will be set aside and used as the donor designates.!!  But
please do e-mail me so I can print out you instructions as well as send them
on to Kelleen!
I cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming response to Kelleens post..
be sure to catch the clinic update in a separate posting!!
My jeep is here, the AC is here and shortly the place will be very
comfortable for the kids... No need to have the kids wheels stuck on a
contractors lot somewhere...And all because of one person who acted faster
than I could have believed!!  I am very sorry this post did not make
yesterdays list...I DID try!  Since I am still not getting the digest could
someone e-mail me conformation that this post made it in todays list???
And raise your glass of Pepsi or whatever and SALUTE!  the White Knight who
rode to the rescue and rescued the fuzzys: not to mention carried of the
Princess Starshine fuzzy to a fuzzy designed castle home!!
And to each other...  The Knight was just a tad faster than everyone else..
I am off to lift the new AC into its new home and throw the switch to get
the place cooled down and the air cleaned up!!
More later...  dayna  a million thanks to you all!!  {{{}}}  dayna
 dayna frazier   102046,3162
'resident of the 'Marvellous Menagerie of Mirthful Mayhem'
[Posted in FML issue 1593]