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Tue, 4 Jun 1996 21:52:28 -0700
Michelle Jensen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (17 lines)
I keep reading about the CDFA and others not advocating having a ferret in
California due to the possibility of it being taken away.  Unfortunately,
many of those who have a ferret had no other choice.  Someone once wrote
that if you really loved your fuzzy that you would leave them out of
california in a safe place.  That is not always possible.  I got Kiska 2
years ago and raised her with my husband from the age of 6 weeks.  She was
our only companion while we lived and worked in Texas.  We had no family to
fall back on.  She is now my child.  We had to move back to California due
to work and school last year.  I could not leave her to some stranger in
Texas and go to California.  She came with us.  I would not have my child
taken away from me and I sure won't have her leave me either.  I too have
written everyone to try and get them legalized as well as called many of the
elected officials.  I pray for the day Kiska can go outside.  For now she is
with us and will never leave our sides.  Sometimes you just have to take the
chance since the alternative would be more painful.
[Posted in FML issue 1591]