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Mon, 3 Jun 1996 12:07:58 -0400
Catherine Shaffer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Thanks to those who wrote to correct me and to Dr. Karen.  I hadn't heard
of Program being used for ferrets.  My vet has not suggested it, but then
again I haven't asked.  I did have very good luck with the blitzkrieg type
house treatment I used last year and still recommend it.  Good luck to
everyone in the war against fleas.  I'm sure the FLO will be active on that
campaign this season.
On a lighter note....we took Mortimer and Sebastian out for a walk on the
in-laws farm last night and had quite a good time.  First I learned (as
Grandpa Shaffer already knew) that if you drag the fuzzbutts along with you,
they'll eventually follow at a good pace--with stops for sniffing and
sneaking.  Then, while letting Mortimer snorkle through some very tall
grass, Grandpa Shaffer said that there had been some baby bunnies in there.
Obviously, I didn't want to witness any carnage upon baby bunnies, so I kept
an eye on Mortimer and kept looking to make sure we weren't tramping over
the nest.  Well, it wasn't too long before Mortimer had himself halfway down
that rabbit hole and I had to drag him out.  I don't think the bunnies were
in there, because he was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing.
[Posted in FML issue 1590]