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Wed, 22 May 1996 05:35:21 -0700
Kelleen and the FANG Gang <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (213 lines)
Hi All,
I am finally getting my very busy and sometimes lazy buns around to writing
this advice about shelters for all of you.  I apologize for it taking soooo
long for some of you to get this and hope it is still of need or at least
interesting:-) So here goes.
When I started with my crazy idea it was to have a club only.  It never
actually even crossed my mind that I would or could be a rescue shelter as
well.  I was real new to ferts but had done a lot of learning in a short
time and had tons of contacts thru the interent for more specialized help
should I need it.  So my very first task was putting in a small ad in our
only largely circulated paper.  I convinced them to let me put it in the
"Other Animals' category where it normally wouldn't be allowed.  I knew this
was the best column for it since I ran it in another they recommended the
1st week and got not a single call.  I knew that wasn't right so I asked for
the guy in charge and explained why this was soooo important.  Worked like a
charm.  He even gave me a week free when I asked to make up for their
misdirection:-) It was avery small, inexpensive (well, as inexpensive as ads
can be) ad.  It said something like : Ferret Lovers Join Idaho's 1st ferret
club FANG.  Call 342-7292.  In one week I got 15 calls and over the 4 week
stretch I had it in I got 40 or so calls.  Not bad since I ran it ONLY on
Sundays which is the highest circulation day for any paper.  Many like
myself ONLY take the Sunday paper.  Then I got my 1st call about a lost
ferret.  They were supposed to bring him but didn't in the end.  I was real
disappointed about it.  So I suddenly realized this would be happening more
and more as people knew about us and so I began preparing for the
inevitable, becoming a shelter too.  Since we are all the help ferret's &
owners have in Idaho presently I could not possibly turn down a single fert
to help if I could.  It took a bit of time for that 2nd call to come but it
sure did.  And the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc..  calls too:-)
I wrote down all the names, phone numbers etc..  of the people who called,
plus info. on them and if they had ferts etc... Then (I did this backwards
actually you should do this before the ad) I figured out a ferret info.
package for FANG including membership form, Interest in Adoption
questionnaire, current newsletter, etc... And I sent them to everyone.  I
had lots of people saying they would join that ended up never following thru
and it was extremely depressing for me.  I went to the internet to ask for
help in how I could get Idahoans to back us more and join and instead got a
whole lot of out of state members and donations.  They are my God send.  So
then I figured out a much reduced fee for out of staters to join.  Always
remember there are relatively few ferret shelters/clubs in existence and
even tho someone may live out of state they may still very much want to
receive your newsletter.
You MUST have a newsletter folks.  It is what you educate with the best, it
is what convinces people to join you, and it is the venue for you to plea
with members for their help in severe rescue cases requiring lots of $$$ to
get them healthy again.  Go get a good newsletter format for your pooter and
you have got it made.  I use ClarisWorks 4.0 which has an outstanding
newsletter format.  Even with that tho you need to do much editing and
arranging etc.  on your own.  Be creative and yet to the point and factual.
Give your articles different named categories to be placed in each time so
that if they see "The Doctor is in" they know it is all medical related.
Give your newsletter balance.  Have medical, funny, recipes, shelter
updates, etc.... Make sure the story is not too long or too short but just
right to keep the interest of the reader.  Make this as good as humanly
possible as it is your greatest tool.  Also to get even more info.  for your
newsletter get in touch with others and ask if they will swap newsletters
with you.  We do that with many others including one in Australia.  Great
fun reading them and often wonderful articles you would definitely want to
reprint.  Be sure to give proper credit when reprinting anything.
I also have contacted the Humane Society (who shares their ferret want list
of names & numbers with us) and all other animal rescue type places in my
area and introduced myself and talked with them answering all of their
questions.  All but the State Humane Society now turn over their ferrets to
us:-) I called every single person on that list and sent info.  packets to
them.  When I get a caller interested in joining my Mom (our wonder
secretary etc.) makes darn sure the info.  packet is in the mail the very
next day.  You have to strike fast or people lose interest and change their
minds.  Put up posters too at every place possible.  All the animal rescues,
pet stores, vets, etc.... We do a great one with a ferret face clip art on
it and it also has the little peel off papers with the name and phone number
of FANG on them.  This way you don't have to replace them all the time but
just add more peel off papers.  ABSOLUTELY speak to the manager etc.  at
these places and be very nice to them explaining why you NEED the posters to
stay up permanently rather than tossed periodically.  Most do toss them so
ask or they get dumped in the trash after a month or so.  I did everything
possible to have mine stay up permanently and they do.  Be precise on the
posters.  Say if you are just a club or also a shelter.  Say if you will
take in lost ferts, or ferts needing a new home, etc... If you are not real
precise in this people will misunderstand you.  Believe me!<G> I also hook
up people with ferts for sale with people wanting ferts at no charge if I
have no rescues available.
Now possibly the hardest part for many including myself.  Find a great
ferret vet that will work with you in your cause.  I had trouble just
finding a great fert vet here not even mentioning the working with us
part:-) But I think the vets at Petsmart will officially be our shelter vets
very soon, YAY!  Just keep on telling anyone and everyone everywhere you go
about yourself and what you are doing.  Allies could be right next to you
and willing to help but if you don't open your mouth they and you will never
Our next step is to officially and legally become a true not for profit
organization.  We already are in spirit but not on paper yet.  So I am
unable right now to advise you in this and each state may differ greatly in
their requirements.  I will update this when I know more about this area.
Wish us luck!
Cultivate good friendships with other rescue people, the FML Docs, and
anyone that may be of help in medical and non-medical situations.  One good
friend of ours is Gary Holowicki who developed Timmy's Recipe.  He is a
great source of help and knowledge in treating sick ferrets with various
medical problems.  Talk to Dr. Karen, Dr. Williams, Dr. Dutton and any other
Doctor that ever pops their little head onto the FML<GG> Talk to other
shelter operators like Me, Killian, Pam Grant, Sheena, Dayna Fraizer, Troy
Lynn Eckhart etc..... We will help in ANY way we can.  If you want to
succeed you must be willing to admit there are things you don't know and ask
for help in learning them.  Saving ferrets is really a group effort not just
an individual one.
Try to get your members involved.  Have meetings, ask for articles for the
newsletter, have them help at rallies and fund-raising events etc.... I also
tell all members and non-members that if they are looking to adopt that I
call the members 1st and they get 1st chance to adopt each fuzzy.  Then and
only then do I call non-members to tell them.  Good incentive for people to
join.  Invite them to bring their fuzzy's with them to the meetings but ONLY
with proof of current vaccinations.
Try to get your local TV stations and newspapers to do stories on you so
word will spread faster.  We are still working on this one.  We have asked
but no response yet:-( Bad people!<G> Take your fuzzlebugs with you if you
talk to someone in person.  Seeing a live and up close ferret could make the
difference in your story getting done or not.  DON'T GIVE UP!  I plan to go
back and back and back however many times needed until they do our story
just to get rid of me.  Sometimes being an annoyance can get you far:-) Just
choose this method wisely as it is NOT always appropriate.
Whenever we adopt out a rescue I give them a copy of the FAQ unless they
already have it.  All new members receive it as well as a part of the
membership unless they too have it from the Internet or elsewhere.  Also a
good incentive reason to join, THANKS AGAIN PAM!  We even give a free little
gift with each membership in state.  Too much shipping & handling to make it
feasible for out of state too.
If you plan to be a shelter too then of course you need the basics as well.
Depending on how you choose to do this it will vary the supplies and
quantities needed.  Cages (not many if they free roam as mine do, lots if
they don't), water bottles & food bowls (free feeders and waterers are my
personal favorite), a proper temperature environment (need heat and air
conditioning), food (we feed a variety of 4 to 6 kitten/cat chows plus 2 or
3 ferret foods all topped off with Brewer's Yeast with Garlic Powder),
medical supplies ( I always have Colloidal Silver on hand and also
Ivermectin for ear mites and Oti-Clens for general maintenance), ferretone
for treats and easy nail clipping, bedding, lots of litter pans etc.... My
newest policy is that the moment a rescue comes in my door it goes straight
to the bathtub for a nice bath, then some flea mousse, then Ivermectin in
the ears for mites, and later on I continue with the Oti-Clens for wax
removal and control of infections and mites.  This is the best way I know to
try and ward off mite and etc.  infestations which we have had to deal with
here recently in 12 ferrets.  You will also want to have on hand ingredients
for Timmy's Recipe etc..  syringe feeders, droppers, empty syringes with no
needles, etc..  Plus of course there must always be plenty of good snacks
around too:-) Mine's top two are Quaker Banana Nut Rice Cakes and Cantaloupe
or Pears!
Make sure you have the room for this as you may have only 1 or 2 ferrets at
a time in the beginning but later on you could have 60, just ask TLE!!
Decide if you will ONLY take in free ferrets or if you are possibly willing
to intervene in bad cases and BUY ferrets to be readopted.  You will lose
money when you do this but often it is the stingy, money wanting #%#%$% that
treat the ferrets the absolute worst.  FANG does buy them on occasion
depending on severity of the situation and current shelter funds.  I know of
4 needing rescued right now but with 2 surgeries looming we do not have the
funds to rescue them in this way.  It can really be upsetting and break your
heart when you find yourself unable to accomplish a rescue for whatever
Also remember that just because they make it to you all is not ok.  Many
shelter kids are lost because they are too far gone to help by the time they
reach us.  This is the very heartbreaking down side to shelter work.  Just
rest assured they probably got the most love and caring in the time they
were with you than they ever had in their lives before.  At least we can
make their last days most pleasant and hopefully ease the pain of their
dying when it comes.  They will leave this earth having truly known love in
it's purest form.  Also there will be little ones like my Larry and Stryker
that need expensive operations to be in peak health.  Plus we always
vaccinate for Distemper & Rabies BEFORE we adopt them out.  We average about
$65 per ferret and with expensive operations plus vaccinations needed we
lose money big time, not make it!  You will NEVER make money running a
shelter if you do it the right and humane way.  All the more reason to
search like heck for that special vet out there somewhere:-) Be prepared to
use your plastic when funds are low.  Most shelters are always in need of
money and it does not always show up in the form of donations so you will
have to take up the slack one way or another.
Whew!!  Never stopped to think all at once about all the work done in
starting a club/shelter before.  I have NO idea if BIG will print this
humongously long thing but if he does, THANKS BIG!  If anyone has any more
questions I haven't thought of here please write me anytime and I will do
my utmost best to help you.  Even if it does not concern shelters/clubs.
Hope I have helped a few of you out there to understand just what you will
be getting into:-) <GG> TNT!
*      Kelleen Andrews  &  The FANG GANG!!!!          *
*      President and Founder of F.A.N.G.              *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705           *
*      208-342-7292                                   *
*      [log in to unmask]                               *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
*         Idiocy is our only option!                  *
*     Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak              *
[Posted in FML issue 1579]