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Tue, 14 May 1996 16:06:37 EST
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My precious Cinderella, aka Princess Anklebiter, seems to have an enlarged
spleen.  Once the blood tests are back, we will decide what needs to be
done.  I would greatly appreciate people's thoughts for healing, thanks!
Sincere congratulations to *everyone* who worked so hard to get HSUS to
change their policy.  I think it's very heartening to see people from all
over the country come together on this.  I know this will be helpful for
people *everywhere* as well as Calif.
Good luck to people in Calif.  I've made some calls to assembly-folks out
there and I know they are getting *lots* of calls.  I tell them I am from
Mass.--some people aren't terribly interested, but some are quite surprised
to be getting calls from across the country.  I know it made a difference in
Mass.  to have people from other states making calls etc.  and I encourage
everyone to do the same--even if it's just one or two calls.  (PS--I start
at the bottom of the alphabet--I figure those A,B,C,D folks are getting more
than their share :-)
And finally, my heart goes out to anyone with a sick fuzzy or anyone whose
ferret friend has died recently.
Cinderella, Ralphie & Harry's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1570]