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Thu, 18 Apr 1996 00:44:03 -0400
"Ferrets First Shelter, TX" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
Hi gang,
Sorry there haven't been shelter profiles lately, but I have been working
hard on this new rescue.  Here is the latest on that situation:
She went to the vet this afternoon at 5:15 pm Calgary time.  Dr.  Jenny Bass
is the physician handling her case.  I spoke with this vet before their
appointment, and with the ferrets current owner.  The owner was concerned
that the ferret was suffering and that perhaps euthanasia may be best for
her.  After a lengthy conversation about her symptoms (she is eating, but
vomiting some now, and somewhat lethargic), I asked for the vets number and
contacted her directly to assess the situation.  She was optimistic, but
cautioned me that there was another 'spot' on the X-ray, in the stomach area
that could be a second blockage, an odd angle view of the stomach, or maybe
even cancer, but the only way to know for sure was to operate.  So what am I
going to say?  Of course operate, don't put her down, money is not the
issue, the little fuzzy's life is!  I don't care if she does have cancer,
look at Timmy, unless the cancer is very, very large I have told them to do
the best they can and sew her up.  If it is extremely bad, the vet will know
and euthanasia will be the only option.  Gosh, I hate cold weather, but I
wish I was in Calgary right now.  I just hope they will follow my direction
on this.
I was very concerned about her condition this evening, then the owner called
me again late, and said it went well at the appointment, and the ferret is
staying there overnight and will have surgery as soon as the money (cash)
arrives at the vets office.  I hope to be able somehow to do this first
thing Thursday morning.  Surgery should run $260 to $280 US (I am not too
good at this currency exchange thing, the vet said $350 Canadian).
Does anyone know anyone in or near Calgary who could pick up funds (say at a
Western Union office or?) and take it to the clinic?  Or, even better,
someone in that area that could pay them in the morning and let us reimburse
them to save time and the wiring fee.  ( Sorry, already tried a credit card,
they won't take it without a signature.) Believe me, I have done everything
except stand on my head to help this little fuzzy girl.  Pegge Clarke of the
Ottowa Ferret Association is assisting Kelleen and I in searching for
assistance.  Thank you so much Pegge.  Keep me posted on anything I need to
Next, we need someone to help get this little one to Kelleen in Boise, Idaho.
Any ideas guys?
Time is critical, we have to act now.  If you can help with logistics,
friends in that area or any ideas for a solution to the problems I have
mentioned, e-mail me immediately.  We have to get that money up there ASAP.
You can go ahead and send checks, and thank you all so much, with you, maybe
we will be able to do this.  Mail them to me Patricia Curtis, at Ferrets
First Rescue & Shelter 3801 ZionHill Loop Weatherford, Texas 76088 Phone is
817-599-7740 Pager is 817-425-1740 PLEASE NOTE WITH THE DONATION: that it is
for the Calgary ferret and what to do with the funds if we have an abundance
over the vet bill.  Here are some ideas: they can go for post-operative care
to the new owners, to fund the club and maybe start a shelter in Calgary (if
folks there want to), they can go to the ferret shelter of your choice, or I
will return them to you.  Please also, include your e-mail address with all
donations so I can connect e-mails properly.
I MUST TELL YOU that there is a risk that the ferret may have cancer and she
may not survive the surgery, it is up to you now if you are willing to risk
it.  I have chosen to and though I don't have any extra funds to send, I will
coordinate this (though I sure dread my AOL bill this month).
If we need to fly this little one somewhere to a shelter or someplace where
we *know* she will get good care and a wonderful home, I would like to use
excess funds (if any) toward her airfare, if you do not want "your" money to
go for this please specify that and I will take care to follow your
direction.  I am not sure that she will have to fly anywhere, but it is a
posibility.  I am telling you now that if there are extra funds and she has
to fly, the funds will go toward that as well, and any other incidental
costs, unless you specify differently.
Kelleen, can you take this little girl?  (By the way her name is White
Fang.) I may be able to coordinate something in the way of travel for her,
maybe not all the way to you, but part of it.  FMLers....??  I know things
are very tight what with the news today about the ferret who went to the vet
this morning, but we may be able to help with her care and adoption.  Let me
Gotta get to those e-mails now folks, give me your input.
Thanks loads, the fuzzies everywhere thank you too, and especially White
[Posted in FML issue 1542]