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Fri, 15 Mar 1996 14:12:19 -0500
text/plain (48 lines)
To the FML:
Just three hours ago, Eloise and Sabine visited our *wonderful* vet because
I had learned from the FML how important it is to keep up on distemper
vaccines.  While I was there, I asked the Dr.  every question I could think
of to make sure he is as knowledgable about ferrets as he seemed to me
before I found the FML.  He not only passed, he gave me his new brochure of
Ferret Facts which he gives to new owners.  It is full of good info, plus
the addresses of various ferret-related groups.  We discussed Galaxy-D,
which he knew all about but had never tried, because he thinks the reason
there is no literature on reactions is that it has not been properly tested
on ferrets yet.  He is willing to try it.
Then he gave the girls their vaccines, and the staff made us welcome while
we waited to be sure there was no reaction.  Eloise curled up to rest, but
both seemed fine, so I left after about 20 mins or so.  By the time I put
her in her cage at home, however, Eloise was vomiting and wheezing.
Fortunately, the vet is near, so we were there in under 15 minutes.  I
thought I'd scream when I had to wait through 2 lights to turn onto the
vet's street.  (Well, to be truthful, I might have been yelling at the
light . . . but I wasn't screaming.)
Everything stopped when I rushed in to the office.  The receptionist cared
for Sabine, while the assistant took Eloise and the Dr.  prepared the
benedryl and sub-Q fluids.  10 mins later, she vomited again, so he gave her
something for the vomiting and an antihistamine with cortizone in it.
(apologies to the knowledgeable for my medical misspellings) 20 mins later
she seemed drowsy but stable and her gums were nice and pink, so we left for
home again after discussing with the Dr.  what to do for her and how to
treat her next year (he is ordering Galaxy-D).  By the time I had cleaned up
the vomit and returned the girls to their cage, Eloise was ready to drink
water and began to look at me like she could use a little amusement and
entertainment.  "Not on your life!  Bed rest!" I said.  So now they are
napping just fine.
But I am having my post-trauma reaction to almost losing one of my girls.
She may be a bit of a character (as *** General Rowdy would attest) but I
love her with all my heart.  So I had to share my relief with the FML.  If I
had not found the FML, I think I would have watched Eloise for a while
before deciding to take her back to the vet.  Thanks to the FML, I didn't
even pause to call them.  I just ran to the car and explained when I got
there.  I feel so grateful that I knew what to do.
I have so much fun with the FML, but today made it priceless to me.
Judith White
[Posted in FML issue 1509]