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Wed, 2 Oct 1996 18:58:34 +0000
text/plain (66 lines)
Me and Chelsea+Kelsey laughed so hard at your post, we all most fell out of
my chair!  I could just see the kitchen scene... a ferret chasing a 10 year
old, into a walk in freezer..."I'm gonna get your feet!  DOOK DOOK!!!" Funny
Well, anyway, while I'm posting, I just thought I'd comment on the "ferret
breeder" situation...I truly wish that I had some money that I could send
you guys, to help get those poor fuzz-beans out of that man's possetion, but
I have close to NO money left, after buying a new bag of ferret food, some
new toys, (for the ferrets that is) and a bottle of ferretone, I've got
nothin' left even for me!!!!  I guess the only thing I can send is my love,
and prayers.I feel bad that this is all I can send, but mabey I can find a
few extra bucks... "oh dad???" To bad this is all happening so far away...I
wouldn't mind taking on another fuzzy...or 5...or 10... :) Don't know how
happy mom would be tho... ;)
Well, anyways The girls are doing just great.  They seem really happy.  But,
I have a question.  Kelsey is gaining weight, and her coat is changing, and
she's eating more.  But Chelsea, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be
getting any fatter.  She has allways been skinny tho.  Her coat doesn't seem
to be getting any thicker eather.  But Kelsey is alot bigger than her.  Is
she really gaining weight, and I just can't tell?  She seems awful skinny to
me.  But I see her eat, and drink, and poop, and she's playful???  An
example of why I'm worried-
Yesterday I took the girls both out for a romp in the yard on their
harnesses.  I didn't think that they would need their "sock sweaters" so I
didn't put them on.  Now, Kelsey was fine, not shivering, or anything.  But
Chelsea was shaking like a leaf.  So, I went back in and put Chelsea's sock
sweater on, and she was still shaking, but not as bad, then she stopped
shaking after about 2-3 min.  Should I be worried?  Is their anything that I
can give her to fatten her up?  My dad thinks that Chelsea might just be a
late weight gainer, but I just want to be sure...
Thanks a million, million raisins that is...
Hi you's guys!  It's been a long times sence we's posted!  How is all the
fuzzies doin' out their in FML land?  We is doin' great!  We's really happy,
specially with all the new toys we just done gotted.  We thought that mabey
you would like to nose about our secret hiddy hole mission.  But it is TOP
SECRET, so no human types can read, only us ferts!  Ok, our hiddy hole
invintory is as follows-
1. Fuzzy Mouse
2. Pingpong balls
1. Ginglly Ball (it's purrple, and sparkelly)
1. Plastic bag (FUN FUN FUN)
4. Socks
1. Box o'rasins (it's empty, but hey, it still smells good)
1. Issue of Modern Ferret
1. 1st page of the FML
2. Yellow balls with holes in 'em
Not bad for GIRLS huh???
Well, we gots to go now. We'll right again really soons OK?
Your pals-
Chelsea- Mommy, why am I so Skinny?
Kelsey- Oh mommy, can I have some ferretone mom? Mom?? MOM??? MOM!!!!!
Ashley- My socks, not your socks, MY socks!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1711]