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Thu, 29 Aug 1996 18:50:35 -0700
David Doyle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
     "Looks like you girls gave that ol' gator heartburn!"  A voice
exclaimed above them.
     "Who's there?"  Rosie stated, paddling furiously to stay afloat.
     "Just me..." The voice responded.  "You two better grab onto that
branch floating there..."
     "What's your name?" Sammi asked.  Her sister and her latched onto a
fallen limb that had managed to pass them in the marshy waters.
     "My name is Penelope," She answered.  "I am an opossum."
     "Oh?"  Rosie declared, and looked up to see the critter hanging
upside-down by her prehensile tail.
     "Here, take this vine..."  Penelope offered as she let down a long
strand of "rope" made of thick vegetation.  The girls grabbed onto it and
began climbing up to the tree above them.
     "You two look cold, wet, and hungry," The opossum declared, helping
them onto the limb of the tree.  "I've got some brush in my den that I made
a nest with.  You can dry out on that, and we can share some turtle eggs for
     "Okay," Sammi said, following Penelope into a cavity in the trunk high
up on the tree.  They entered into a roomy nook in the wood, and settled in,
huddling to keep warm.
     "Why do you eat turtle eggs?"  Rosie asked.
     "Because they taste good,"  She answered.  "What do you eat?"
     "Ferret food,"  Sammi replied.
     "Sorry,"  Penelope sighed.  "But we haven't any supermarts in the swamp
just yet!"
     "Bummer,"  Rosie exclaimed.
     "So what are you doing here anyway?"  The opossum questioned, as the
three of them devoured the eggs in a frenzy.
     "We are trying to find Fang's lair,"  Sammi said.
     "Yeah,"  Rosie added.  "We have to find our sisters and friends, and
rescue the black-footed ferrets!"
     "Hmmm..."  Penelope thought.  "Can I come with you?"
     "Sure,"  Rosie responded.  "But I wish that we have more help!"
Suddenly, the crinkle sack at her side began to rustle, and a lump inside
moved about recklessly.
     "Hello!"  Came a face from inside, poking it's head out with a smile.
     "What in the world?!"  Penelope stated, taken aback.
     "It's a ferret!!!"  Sammi shouted gleefully.
     "My name is Shiva,"  The ferret proclaimed, stepping from the bag.
"Otter has sent me to aid you in your rescue and recovery of your lost loved
ones.  Got anything to eat?  I'm starving!"
     "Sure,"  Sammi answered, giving Shiva some of her turtle egg.
     (to be continued...)
[Posted in FML issue 1676]