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Tue, 13 Aug 1996 20:39:45 -0700
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Hi FMLers!
Well, after nearly one month of waiting for the results of Angel's Urogram
Contrast Study, we finally have a diagnosis.  As I mentioned several weeks
ago, it seemed likely that her constant dribbling was the result of an
anatomic abnormality called an ectopic ureter.  This was finally verified
with the urogram.  It seems that only one of them is affected.(fingers, toes
and ferret paws crossed!).  I have been given three options:
#1: Do nothing and treat with antibiotic therapy for the rest of her life,
as this condition predisposes her to chronic UTI's and possibly damage to
her kidneys.
#2: Microscopic surgery involving surgically incising her bladder and
somehow opening her ureter in the proper place, from the inside of the
bladder.  This procedure is very risky, highly experimental in ferrets
(considered microscopic in cats, so imagine the difficulty of such a
procedure on a 1.25 lb sprite).  She would need several days of
hospitalization and a follow-up Urogram to determine if the surgery was
100% successful.  There is a very good chance that it would not be, due to
the above reasons.  The final disadvantage... a cost of over $1000.00.
#3: Removal of the kidney with the defective ureter.  I am told that she
should live well into old age with just one kidney.  This surgery is much
less risky, much simpler to perform, and if indeed only the one ureter is
involved, much more likely to succeed.  It is also very inexpensive, at a
cost of $100.00.
Although I would never put a price on a pet's health, the cost is obviously
a big factor.  There are also the risks to consider, and both my vet(Dr.
Anna Edling of Line-Lexington Animal Hospital-Colmar, PA) feel that the
third option is the safest and most likely to succeed.  She personally owns
ferrets and feels that this is what she would do if Angel was one of her
For newbies and those who want to know: Angel was purchased at 8 weeks of
age at a pet store, along with two others.  She was incontinent from the
beginning...apparently from birth.  She was treated with several different
antibiotics, none of which worked.  She had exploratory surgery and a urine
culture, which showed only the presence of a resistant strain of bacteria.
She was treated with the appropriate antibiotic, tetracycline, and again
this did nothing to improve her situation.  We also tried some DES hormone
therapy, which aside from swelling and consticting her vulva, and slightly
diminishing the leakage, had no lasting effect.The Urogram was performed
next, and due to circumstance beyond our control, we are just now able to
put a final diagnosis to this problem.  I cannot tell you what it is like to
live with an incontinent ferret....well, maybe I can! ; )  She has to be
washed two or three times a day, especially after sleeping, because the
urine constantly drips and saturates her hind end.  It also saturates all of
her bedding and her cagemates, too.  I have to change their bedding twice a
day and do a whole load of ferret laundry every two days.  Although I try to
pick her up every few minutes to wipe her bottom, the urine still makes it
to my carpet, the inside of the clear dryer hose, etc., etc.  The odor is
absolutely horrendous!  : ( I cannot wait until I have a sweet little fuzzy
to cuddle(without wiping her bottom, first!).<GGG> I hope no-one on this
list ever has to deal with what I have been through.  I know there are alot
of worse medical problems to deal with, but this is the worst crisis I have
had to endure thus far.  Please keep us in your thoughts, her surgery is
scheduled for Wednesday, August 21.
I would like to know your thoughts on this matter. Please respond
privately or via the FML, whichever you prefer. Thanks in advance!
Dodie Newcomb and the Fuzzy Five in NJ
[Posted in FML issue 1660]