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Fri, 9 Aug 1996 00:17:24 -0400
Paula Bryder <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
Camille has discovered the bathtub & its uses!  She likes to play in there
anyway, so when I ran the water for a bath, I didn't pay her much attention.
Suddenly she was giggling and snorting & I stuck my head in to watch.  The
water was ankle deep on her, and she really didn't want to get her tummy
wet, but she loved the faucet!.  She backed up & ran at the stream from the
faucet, thrust her head under it, giggling all the while & then danced back
to keep her tummy dry.  Then she charged the faucet again, only getting her
head under the waterfall & danced back again, dooking & giggling and
swearing - too much fun!  She shut her eyes, bit at the water flow, shook
her head back & forth & just generally had a ball!  Of course, I was
laughing so hard I could barely coax her into a towel.
We're so lucky to have these funny, loving, odd little animals with us!
All our best,
Camille the Wet
Rikki & Conan the Befuddled
Cady the Wonder Dawg and Kelsey the fraidy-cat
Oh yeah - and their Ma - Paula
[Posted in FML issue 1656]