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Mon, 29 Jul 1996 22:08:57 -0400
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
What do I do with a lazy ferret?  (I hope he's just lazy).  I've been
trying everything I can think of to get him interested in toys, in
something.  He just looks as me as if to say, very nice.  Now go play
with it somewhere else.
I know Sara/Cyrano just had a near scrape with his back injury, but every
now and then he'll play make the bed (attacking the sheet when I flip it) or
come when I squeak his Tigger squeaky toy and look at it as if to tell it
that the noise it makes is very undignified, but mostly, Sara just wants to
sleep.  Any ideas for ferret games we can both play?  I get a little tired
of playing them by myself.
We just got a clean bill of health from the vet, so I don't think there's
anything really wrong, but I'm just envious of all your hard playing ferts.
Both my SO and I have our own businesses and share an office.  We don't have
much foot traffic so we bring her to work with us.  She has two "houses" and
runs herd over both.  We decided that since we work long hours, it was
better not to leave him all alone and keep him with us.  Could he just be
lonely?  I'd love to get him a buddy, but the one that comes to play now and
then just seems to bother him by dooking and wanting to play.  Sinbad is
much younger and has a lot more energy.  (Sara is 3+)
Sara and DeB
[Posted in FML issue 1646]