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Thu, 25 Jul 1996 20:31:43 -0400
Pat Scherschel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
My boy, Mooky( lovingly known as the Mook Man)....oh what a little stinker
he is.  We just got him about a month ago.  He was the last of a litter that
was born Jan.  30.  There he was such a big boy with all the new little
kits.  How could I leave him there....no one would ever buy him....just had
to bring him home!  At least that is what I told my husband.  Of course,
he's used to my trips to the pet store so he wasn't too surprised.  We had
just lost our precious little girl, Tasha a couple of weeks earlier and
there was this vacancy in our ferret numbers.
From the minute I put him down he has been into everything.  Completely
adjusted to the whole household the next day.  Anyway the whole point of
this post is to tell you about his telephone fixation.  About a couple of
weeks ago I had been having some trouble with my internet service and was on
the phone with their tech help.  I kept hearing this strange noise coming
over the phone.  I mentioned it to the guy on the other end and he said that
someone was on my phone.  My first thought was that "someone" had knocked
one of the phones off the hook.  (We had had trouble the week before with
"someone" knocking two phones off the hook while I was at work.) The noise
got so bad that I told the tech person he had to hold on while I
investigated.  No phones off the hook but the cordless was missing.  As the
beeps and crunching got worse I finally told the guy I had to go.  After
hanging up, I searched for the missing phone.  There was Mooky under the
sofa bed(that was open) innocently with the phone.  As I picked it up I
noticed something a bit different.  He had chewed off half of the keypads!!!
After coming out of the shock I panicked thinking that he might have
swallowed them and would surely get sick.  There my husband and I were
fitting all the pieces we could find back together.  " I found the 2....
here's the 6"and so on.  To our relief they were all there... just bits and
pieces ...but still all there.  My teenage daughter felt that we should
instantly buy a new phone.  I said nonsense some people have customized
phones but no one I know has a "ferretized" phone.  I said that she now had
a unique conversation piece that no one else had.  Mooky has since that
incident, finished removing the rest of the keypads when my daughter forgot
about his habit of eating the phone and left it lay.  Now it takes us a
little longer to use the phone because we have to count to figure out what
to press.
As you can well imagine we have had to make some changes in where our phones
are and where we lay them.  He' s gotten some better about trying to drag
off the desk phones but just hold the cordless for him and he will try to
eat the rest of it.  Every day is a blessed adventure with Mooky and the
other fuzzbutts.  My how dull life would be without the crazy things they do.
Love and ferret kisses to everyone and God bless all the sick fuzzies and
make them well again.
The Scherschel Family(Steve, Pat & Angie...the ferret's pets)
Bubba( where's the raisins?), Weasey(leave me alone), Emmet(dook dook) &
Mooky( phone, did someone hear the phone?)
Hanna (the dog)(Give me my squeak toy back, it's mine!)
Muffin, Smokey, Oreo & Cali (the cats)(Get off my back and quit biting,
Kermie (the 4 ft. iguana)(Oh, no...not more ferrets)
[Posted in FML issue 1642]