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Thu, 25 Jul 1996 10:27:07 -0400
Kathleen Boaz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Hello Everyone,
While at PetSmart last night in Orlando, Florida, I saw some litter called
Nature's Way Feline Pine.  It is compressed, scoopable pine pellets.  Does
this sound like the Pine Fresh that people have talked about here?  Is it
safe to use with the fuzzies?
OCFS (obligatory cute ferret story):
Auryn, my 8 month old sable/silver mitt (he's sable on top and silver on the
bottom, complete with beige and white mitts), kept trying to climb on my
futon couch.  He would stand on his hind legs and put his front paws on the
couch to pull himself up.  Unfortunately, every time he did this, Zoom (my 2
year old chocolate), would barrel by and knock him over!  This went on for
about 20 attempts and 10 minutes.  I was laughing so hard I almost fell off
the couch.  She would always wait just until he had got his front paws in
postion, THEN she would knock him over.
Ferret proofing couches:
The only couches I have found that are somewhat impervious to fuzzies are
the futons I have now and the previous couch which was just an open wooden
frame with large cushions.  They can't do anything to the futon.  For the
other couch, they loved knocking the cushions all onto the floor, and they
did rip the material while scaling the cushions, but they never got stuck
anywhere, and I didn't have to worry about sitting on them.
Totally Ferret:
I was told that I could buy TF in Orlando at Jack's Pets, and this is true.
However, the price is $17 with tax for the small bag (4lb?), which is just
the same as if I mail ordered it!  I agree that TF is a very good food, and
I would feed it to my fuzzies even if the price is so much.  However, I can
understand how if you had more than the 5 fuzzies I have, that it would get
expensive.  Also, of my 5 fuzzies, only 3 are even interested in it, and
they won't eat it consistently.  I have found that the older the ferret is,
the harder it is to change their food.  I have tried all the techiniques:
putting in a few pieces of the new into the old, only giving them the new,
feeding them the new as if it were treats.  However, my 6 year old and my 2
year old (both rescues from the Brevard Ferret Rescue) refuse to eat
anything but Friskies.  The younger ferrets will at least sample new foods
(especially if they think it's treats).
Well, this is getting rather long, but I haven't posted in XXXXX months,
so it's legal.
Oh, Hi Dayna! Thank you for the wonderful stories about your incredible work
making the world a better place for fuzzies.
Mr. T (I'm head of the house, and don't you forget it!)
Zoom (Please carry me around the house all day.)
Courtney (I didn't like you at first, but it's okay if you pick me
up and kiss me occassionally.)
Tiye (But WHY won't you let me climb the dining room wallpaper???)
Auryn (My middle name is Adorable and Mommy lets me do whatever I want
because I'm soooo cute)
[Posted in FML issue 1642]