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Sat, 20 Jul 1996 09:35:52 -0400
Elton & Nancy Sanders <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Folks - I have two fuzzybutts eating Totally Ferret.  Argento (silver) is 5+
and Hershey (choclate, and grand champion) is just over 5.  They run and
play for over an hour before going into hibernation.  Pre-totally ferret,
they were on Iams kitten food.  They would be tired in about a half hour of
play.  Now that is a big improvement!
Hershey was shaken the dog (guess she just bit Nome too hard).  She (the
ferret) was checked out by two vets complete with x-rays and the works.  The
poor little fert had "shaken baby" sydrome.  It took her about 3 weeks to
get out of it.  Meanwhile, Argento brought her food!  After a week, Argento
was helping Hershey down to eat, drink and potty.  Hershey is fine now!
My cats will eat totaly ferret.  Jett cat tops the scale at 5.5 lb and will
open the top of the feeder to eat totally ferret food <G>.
I keep the totally ferret in a can that I got from Iams cat food.  It keeps
well in the Virginia heat and humitidy.  I have not had any of it go bad.
The food is expensive, but so are vet bills!  I believe that feeding the
animal good quality food prolongs their healthy lives.  I one of my cats is
14 and has not been to the vet except for her shots ...
It is amazing what ferrets can do!  Total of 4 lb of ferrets can move 300lb
human out of bed <G> (it works better than sending the dog in to wake up
One cat is sleeping on her back and Argento is planning to dive bomb!
Pretty good for a fert with cataracts (sp?).  Bombs away!  Right in the
center!  Ruby Cat woke up with a fart (I mean start and ...!)
Take care!
Nan (good shot Argento, a rasin for you!)
Sandy (SO) Where are my socks!!! and get this ankle biter offa me
Argento (ferret) bombs away!
Hershey (ferret) away she goes, good chase!
Genieve (senior cat) go 'way!
Jett (cat) Totally ferret is good!
Ruby (cat) #$%^ ferrets!
Nome (dog) OUCH!
[Posted in FML issue 1637]