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Sat, 13 Jul 1996 10:38:19 -0400
Laura Kline <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Ninja, my first and most special ferret, who has been gone two years and two
months now, used to pose for pictures.  At least slow down a few seconds
when she saw me with the camera.  Molly comes straight for the camera("NO
Molly, go back!"), and Pepper, the most easy going, laid back ferret,
couldn't care less.
Ninja loved to ride in my pick-up truck.  Her carry sack was a large,
rectangular canvas tote with a blanket and a pair of my (not so old) stirrup
pants(I never washed them and they still smell like her).  The tote sat on
the passenger seat, opened up, and when she got done exploring she would
curl up for a nap.  Sometimes I'd sing to the radio and I noticed she would
straighted her head to watch me while I sang, and when I stopped she'd curl
up again.  She loved to shadow box, climb and explore.  But she sometimes
would get behind the pedals.  Most often she would come out when I told her
but occasionally she got stubborn and I had to yell as loud as I could for
her to get out from there.  She'd look at me as if to say, "Well, if it's
that important to you..." She loved to go to garage sales sitting on my
shoulder.  She would sometimes sniff my ear as if for reasurance or a quick
"this is fun!" We got alot of the usual comments, she really enjoyed meeting
Course vs. soft fur...
I was just thinking about the fur of my fuzzies getting soft after we got
them.  I realised the one diference was their water.  They all came to us
with water bottles and we switched to water dishes.  I'm wondering if they
tend to drink more water from a dish????
Two of my ferrets are/was climber(s).  Ninja climbed the carpeted wall of
our apartment, and the foam covering the front of my speakers, which I had
the bright idea to loosen a bit so it would come off if she started to
climb.  She got half way up before the top came loose and started falling
over.  There Ninja was, right in the middle, feet all spread out, still
attatched to the foam, slowly falling away from the speaker, looking over
her shoulder for mom to come get her.  Mom was laughing too hard!  She was
fine, the foam came away from the speaker so slowly she didn't get hurt.
But she wasn't too happy with me for finding it so funny!  Molly is an
expert climber, seems to love being up high.  She has gotten into the habit
of climbing up grandmas pant leg to see if she's got anything good.  And
those baskets on frames we have that are aprox.  5 feet high, from there to
the top of the refridgerator and mom's plant!  What an excursion!
This is getting too long so I'll close for now.  Thanks for letting me tell
you about my sweet fuzzbuns!
Laura("Molly get down from there!")
Molly("But I like it up here!")
Pepper("I'm going to take a nap now")
Grandma Marie("Laura, come see what your ferret is doing!")
[Posted in FML issue 1630]