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Mon, 1 Jul 1996 13:55:51 -0400
"Michael Dutton, DVM, DABVP" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
**The advice dispensed by myself in reference to FML postings is not meant
to supplant the advice of veterinarians who are in charge of the patient.
If the patient is not currently under the care of a veterinarian, the client
is recommended to take their ferret to one.**
>From:    "Cindy C. Sooy" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: question for vets
>About nine months ago, my four year old gib started to lose control of his
>hind end.  He has slowly worsened over time.  He still gets around quite
Degenerative myelopathy and spinal tumors are very uncommon in ferrets and
I unfortunately do not have any info on them.  Also don't forget that
hypoglycemia secondary to an insulinoma mimics rear limb paralysis in
>From:    Kit West <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Question for Vets
>I have a 6-year-old neutered male ferret who just had adrenal surgery (two
>months ago).  Right removed, most of left taken out.  Prostatic cyst
>drained, and he began antibiotics (Cefadroxil and Clavamox along with Pedia
Stress induced gastro-intestinal upsets are quite common.  I would start
treating this ferret for this along with possible gastric ulceration (as
evidenced by the pawing at the mouth).
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: question for vet/ biting stitches/ male in rut
>Is it usual for a vet to charge more to spay a female that has already
>started coming in to heat?
Sure.  Some of it may also depend on other factors/testing that they may do
pre-surgery - such as check a red blood cell count to make sure her bone
marrow has not been affected by the high estrogen.
>From:    Cheryl J Halley <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: RED SKIN
I would recommend a skin scraping to check for mange.  The other big
possibility is an allergy (pollens, dust, food, contact, etc.).
>Date:    Sun, 23 Jun 1996 22:00:14 -0400
>From:    marianne! <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: strange symptoms in cookie
>i know, i know i just got over periscope's illness (she's doing GRRREAT by
>the way, super bouncy and gaining weight!) and now cookie is sick :(
An allergy is a good possibility.  You can try the infant dose of an
antihistamine like Benadryl.  If it persists, have you vet check it out.
>From:    Norma-ann Mooney <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Adrenal Saga
>I took Molly into a Vet. in Guelph (at OVC) yesterday to get a fourth
>opinion on her hair loss/swollen vulva.  Just to update--she lost her
My opinion (your fifth) is that your girl has adrenal disease.  The blood
test could be either an estrogen level or hopefully the ferret adrenal panel
(or equivalent).  I personally recommend surgery.
>From:    "Irena Arthur (OPS|schwanke)" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: vet question (weight/mousse)
>I am concerned about Lucy.  She got tape worm from flea's and lost a 1/2
>pound before it was caught.  She was treated and she is due for anoter fecal
>check this week, however she does not seem to have gained any weight back!
Additional force feeding will help although occasionally the ferret will
become hooked on the force feeding and not eat regularly.  kitten safe
products work for ferrets.  I usually have the owner read the label saying
it is okay for kittens.
>From:    Ulrike Hassold <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Distemper vaccine
>I live in Wales/Britain and want to vaccinate my 3 adult ferrets against
>Distemper.  I've just read some old FML issues and got a bit confused.
Diphenhydramine is the chemical name for an antihistamine.  Benadryl is the
brand name for one companyFs version of diphenhydramine.  It comes as a
liquid, capsule, or injectable.  It's all the same.  The important thing is
to pre-medicate about 45 minutes before the vaccine.
The dosing amount is the standard 1 ml (at least here in the USA).  Since
your ferrets have not been vaccinated before, they would need two distemper
vaccines 3-4 weeks apart.
The vet should treat the reaction like any severe anaphylactic reaction.
>From:    Roberto <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ivermectin in the blood
>I would like to know how long the ivermectin remains in the ferret blood,
>after the oral intake ( hemolife??  hope it's the right word in english!).
Ivermectin hangs around in the dog for about 36 hours. I suspect it's the
same for ferrets.
>From:    Richard Davis <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Reaction to Ear Cleaning?
>Help!  I'm hoping one of you wise ferret folk or veterinarians out there
>can shed some light on my ferret trauma.
I have not it happen but I would agree with the second vet's opinion based
on your story.
Ear drums are pretty close to the surface in ferrets (compared to dogs and
cats) and easilt traumatized.  As to which vet, it is whoever you are most
comfortable with.  I would be hard press to lay the blame for the episode on
the first vet since it sounded like a routine thing with no pre-existing
evidence that a reaction would occur.
As to the continuing problem, I'm at a loss to explain it.
Mike Dutton, DVM, DABVP
Weare Animal Hospital
Weare, NH.
[Posted in FML issue 1619]