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Wed, 26 Jun 1996 19:23:58 -0700
"J. Wolfe" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hello all!
Important question for all who participate here!
Do any of you check into the ferret chat on irc.prospero.com/#califerret?  I
tried for 2 hours Sunday night and the server would not let me in.  Kept
telling me my nick (For NICKNAME, that name used while in mIRC mode) was
erroneous!  It would not let me enter a nick, regardless of how it was
My question: If any of you gentle readers were successful in joining the
#califerret chat, what server did you use?  (By server, for the uninitiated,
I am referring to the irc address you entered to reach it...ie: irc.ais.com,
or irc.prospero.com, etc.) Or, if you are somewhat INet oriented, what was
the affiliation of the server you used...FNET, UNDERNET, DALNET, etc.
Any help will be most appreciated.  BTW, if enough people had a problem
getting on, I am going to suggest that perhaps a little more easily accessed
server be used.  I do so like the idea of a 'live' chat about ferrets.
For the record: I am against long messages in the FML, don't care for the
baby/fuzzy talk, or the solicitation for funds for the shelters.  HOWEVER,
being that I am adamently opposed to censorship in any form, my index finger
of my right hand very easily pages down through uninteresting (to me!)
posts.  So..not that it makes any never-mind, they all should stay.  Let ME
bypass those posts I don't care for.
Thank you very much!
Joe Wolfe, with Billy-Bob on one shoulder and Garret the ferret on
           the other!
[Posted in FML issue 1615]