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Wed, 26 Jun 1996 16:10:13 CST6CDT
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
When verifying whether a shelter is legit or not please err on the side of
caution.  Some shelters operate "undercover" and checking with city/state
agencies may have dire consequences.  Perhaps checking if the "organization"
is registered may be one approach.
Update - We are doing much better.  Still dealing with ECE, but everyone is
eating and drinking on their own and a few are being supplemented because I
think they are too skinny.  Only an occasional "green" glob.  Energy levels
are high but then they sleep for many hours.  I find myself searching them
out, each and every one, to make sure they are o.k..  We are on week 16.
Only 2 more months (we hope).
Gizzie has a UTI too.  Only the antibiotics aren't working.  We've tried
Amoxi, Baytril, Keflex.  Xrays showed an enlarged bladder, very enlarged.
Bladder is firm.  Urinalysis showed infection.  This has been going on since
the beginning of June.  Gizzie is still on Keflex.  Any ideas???  He is
obviously uncomfortable.
Hugs to all and condolences to those who've lost loved ones.  tle
(aka Sprite)
[Posted in FML issue 1614]