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Mon, 17 Jun 1996 00:44:12 -0400
text/plain (22 lines)
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of pleads for money here
on the FML.  That concerns this reader, as well as several others she has
talked with.
Previously, Bill Gruber had asked that only special requests be posted to
the FML.  This seems to have gotten out of hand lately and constant requests
for money are appearing in the issues.
This reader would like to ask that these pleadings be stopped. This pleading
takes up valuable band width and the FML is growing too fast again.
Thank you!
[Moderator's note: There's a plan being worked on that may help shelters
to raise funds.  I'm not working on it, but I've seen it and think it's
pretty good.   I'd expect info about it on the FML pretty soon.
I don't mind poeple occasionally mentioning finances, but the fact is that
*all* shelters run in the red and could use money.  So I do have to be a
little careful about letting it get out of hand.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1604]