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Sun, 16 Jun 1996 08:45:59 -0400
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Hi Gang
Well, Daddy got a new toy Friday night and the sound of it sent me into a
major war dance.  He said he was tired of feeding his pooter those little
square biscuits all the time and he wanted to try something called Win95 so
he brought home something that he only had to feed one BIG biscuit to (tape
drive)..  It whirred and made really weid sounds and I kept trying to figure
out what it was.  I couldn't quite reach it so Daddy finally let me check it
out.  He put me up on his desk so's I could see what was making that noise!
Once I knew what it was and had satisfied my curiosity, I knew it wasn't
anything that was gonna hurt my folks, so I calmed down.
Mom cleaned the computer room yesterday and kept me in my condo while she
worked.  I couldn't believe it!  all the time I had spent arranging her
stuff and Dad's... She even went into my hidey hole and took my stash of
Daddy's dirty socks (he said something about not having any socks left)...
When I woke up from a long nap, she was running something across the carpet
that made even more noise than Daddy's toy.  I hid under the rocker and
watched it for a minute and then attacked it!  I wasn't about to let it suck
up my stuff that I'd worked so hard to place just so!  Well, Mom insisted
that the litter and torn bits of paper HAD to go, so reluctantly I let her
finish what she was doing.  I began to explore my territory and found that
everythng had been cleaned, re-arranged, and put away!  RATS!  Now I have to
start ALL OVER again... I tried to dismantle the bill trays again but she
scolded me and told me I couldn't do that.  So it was off to try to re-build
my steps up to Mom's desk... again my efforts were foiled.  I had to satisfy
myself with checking out where she had put everything.  I guess I'll just
have to re-rearrange things a little at a time when she's not looking!
<heehee> Actually, it's not so bad having the room nice and clean.  Mom and
Dad said I was much calmer last night than usual.  In fact, they were
worried because I WASN'T biting their ankles.  <sigh> You can't win.  When
you bite they scold..when you don't they worry!.
Mom and Dad started doing something new with me Friday night and I'm not
sure but I think they were trying to teach me something.  When I chomped
them, they leaned down and grabbed my scruff with their teeth and gave me a
gentle shake.  They didn't hurt me at all but the approach they took sure
got my attention.  I guess maybe they were telling me I shouldn't bite quite
so hard.  I'm trying really hard to do better.  OH..  and I saved Daddy from
being sucked into the black hole that eats socks!  I grabbed one of his
socks as it was still on his foot and pulled and pulled, holding him back
from being sucked into that "other world sock universe!" I won..  and I
saved my Daddy!  He loved on me and thanked me for saving him!  My Daddy
loves me (Mom does too)..  Happy Father's Day, Daddy!
Love and hugs to all
Peanut and his folks (Don and Judi)
[Posted in FML issue 1604]