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Thu, 13 Jun 1996 15:42:18 -0400
Jason and Alison Overstreet <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Hi, everyone!
We have been reading the FML since October of last year and have learned so
much!!  It's a great way to find out about just about anything that concerns
our special ferret friends :) My husband, Jason, and I have two precious
little guys, Petey (a ten month old honey sable) and Oliver (a ten week old
silver mitt).  They are getting along pretty well--Oliver _really, really_
wants to be Petey's playmate!
Jas and I do have a concern tho about Petey.  For the past 2 weeks, he has
developed an orange-brownish color on his skin, especially on his belly and
rear legs with tiny brown specks.  Petey acts normal, but he has also
smelled terrible!  Both boys are neutered and descented.  We usually bathe
him once a week with Suave shampoo, but lately we feel like he needs one
every 2-3 days!
Petey has had to adapt to many changes in the past 2 months.  We moved into
a new townhome with new beige carpeting.  About 4 weeks ago, Petey took his
first major road trip to Florida with us where he was welcomed into the
world of fleas :( He was itching terribly, but after we got back to
Minnesota he lost the fleas and the excessive itching.  Oliver has been a
big adjustment as well for Pete too.
We have taken Petey to a vet already, and the doctor did a CBC to rule out
liver/gallbladder disease.  He suggested that Petey is allergic to
something--the new carpeting, shampoo maybe?  The orange color comes off in
the water when we bathe him, but there is still an orange tint on him which
gets darker.  I vaccuumed thoroughly in our home, and I am now using baby
shampoo on him.  Oliver has not shown any signs of Pete's affliction.
We would really appreciate anyone's advice on the change in color on Petey's
skin!  Also, if anyone knows of a good vet who specializes in ferret care in
the Twin Cities metro area, we would like to hear their suggestions!  Jason
and I are really concerned about Petey, and we want to help clear this up as
soon as we can.  Thanks for listening!
P.S. We just got Oliver recently, and we're going to add him
on to our "end of the message" picture soon! :)
                                        Jason, Alison, Petey, & Oliver
                                        [log in to unmask]
This message brought to you by:
   o              \ /            /`\    ____  ,^-o,
  /|\  Alison,     |   Jason,      ``-,'    `-';~~     and Petey.
  / \             /o\                .',-'~`../'
                                     `^^    `^^
                        (note who's cool enough to wear sunglasses)
[Posted in FML issue 1601]