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Wed, 12 Jun 1996 20:21:06 EDT
Steven Markowitz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Hi Folks,
Well, hope all is well with everyone out there in ferretland.  Things here
on the homefront and on the Animals Forum in Compuserve are going well.
However, I still have ferrets that have probably been exposed to Distemper
looking for homes.  Here's what little details I have.
A local pet store here in Upstate NY had 6 ferrets.  One came down with all
the classic symptoms of distemper.  This ferret was euthanized and the other
5 have been quarantined.  The euthanized ferret was sent of to Cornell for
testing to confirm if it was actually distemper.  The results are still not
in.  :(
So, now the pet store has 5 ferrets in that they cannot sell.  This wouldn't
be so bad but they also risk exposing any new puppies or ferrets to
distemper also.  Needless to say, the pet store would like to find them
homes to get them out of the store.  Fortunately they don't want to just
kill them (as some other stores would).  However, this puts a great burden
as we have to find them homes before the pet store decides that they can't
keep them anymore.
So, if any of you have been thinking of getting a ferret or two and have no
other pets, please consider taking in one or two of these kids.  You must
understand that they could come down with the symptoms at any time or not at
all.  It is possible that they will never get it but you can't expose any
other ferret or dog to them ever, unless we find out that the original
ferret did not have distemper.
If you fit into this situation or know someone who does, PLEASE contact me!
I don't know how much longer my vet can keep the pet store from insisting on
euthanizing them.  The only reason they haven't so far is that they know I'm
trying to find them acceptable homes!!
Thanks for any help you can give these little guys,
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[Posted in FML issue 1600]