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Tue, 11 Jun 1996 17:40:31 -0400
"Anna G. Ralya" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
Is it possible to safely ship a ferret from Texas to Michigan?  What ways
could it be done -- via plane, train, etc.?  What's the safest way, and what
is the cheapest way, and what is the safest cheap way (pardon the odd
syntax)?  A woman is adopting out four of her six ferrets because of a
landlord dispute, and consequently, we are looking into adopting one of
them: an adorable DEW male.  Delta quoted her $100 cargo shipping, but a)
that seems rather expensive and b) unsafe -- wasn't Delta the airline on
which a cat got loose in the cargo hold and they didn't stop to look for it
(because they said they had to keep to their flight schedule) when they
landed until a court order several days later -- luckily the cat was ok.
Anyways, short of driving down to TX (which we can't do), is there any safe
way we can get Casper without spending a horrendous amount of money?
                                        Martin and Anna G. Ralya
                                        and the fuzzy four
[Posted in FML issue 1599]