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Sat, 8 Jun 1996 10:36:05 -0400
Carla Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
>From:    Judith White
>Subject: Skin Bumps/Red Hat Brim & Pink Bump Types
>Just recently there was a question about a skin bump that looked like a hat
>with a red brim.  Bizzy just developed one. This morning it was a red patch
>that looked kind of like a birthmark or blood blister.... She also has had
>a pimple-sized bump on her forehead for a couple weeks.  For a day or two
>it was open and bloody.  Now it is back to a pink bump.
Judith, I recently had 4 of those little "hats" removed from one of our
foster critters.  Riki had one on his side that was open and bloody, because
it itched, and he kept scratching at it.  A thorough exam discovered 3 more.
They were sebaceous adenomas (benign skin tumors).  Surgery was
straightforward, recovery has been easy (Riki never even slowed down!) and
the fur is already growing back around the shaved places.  If you see one
bump, there may be more.  And, even if removed, there's no guarantee the
ferret won't develop another.  I've also read recently that these bumps can
appear, then seem to disappear, then reappear in the same place again.  (one
way to tell them from a bug bite or play nip) This may or may not be what
your ferret has.  Please get her to a good vet to have this checked out,
just to make sure.
Carla Smith
Rio Grande Domestic Ferret Club
[Posted in FML issue 1595]