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Wed, 5 Jun 1996 10:44:21 CST6CDT
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Spiccup is home and doing well.  She was eating like a horse when I left.
I have her in the closet with a nice comfy baby quilt, bed liner, litter
box w/newspaper, 2 kinds of food and water.  She looked bright eyed when I
took her out of her cage to put her in the closet.  I think she may have to
stay in there for a few days so Petey doesn't bother her.  He may be my
next adrenal surgery He's been very ummmm, assertive and smells musky.  He
is a MF.
I got to keep Spiccup's adrenal and growth.  It is huge, about 10 times the
size it is normally and hard as a rock.  Dr. Snyder played a trick on me.
When we got there to pick her up he came out with a sad look on his face and
said "we had a little problem, we couldn't find anything wrong with the
adrenal so we took out her brain", then he held up this tiny plastic bag
with a mass in it and smiled.  He's a character.  :-) That's an idea though,
when you take out a growth or organ keep it for educational purposes.  I put
the little bag in a baby food jar and sat it on the shelf.  I'm starting a
collection.  Seems like we'll have plenty of opportunities here.  :-(
While in Topeka we visited pet stores and one in particular had a ferret I'm
concerned about.  She is at A-Z pets and is adorable with a stripe down her
back and on her tail.  Her ears were dirty, possibly ear mites, and she was
a little nippy with the attendant.  Because of ECE I can't handle any other
ferrets so I couldn't clean the ears for her.  He checked and said they
didn't look bad, but they were filthy.  When I'd make kissey noises at the
cage (I can't touch them but I can kiss them) she would stand up and wag her
tail!  It was adorable!  My concern for her is that Shawnee Co health dept
is death on ferrets that bite.  WE don't want the Queen of Hearts (off with
their heads!) to get any ferrets.  Please, if there is anyone on this list
in or near Topeka and can take in another ferret, please buy her or at least
monitor her, maybe play with her to get her use to people so she isn't
nippy.  She has a sparkle in her eyes that say she is full of it!
Thanks to all for your condolences and concern.  My finger is fine.  I bleed
very little, heal quickly and very well.  Hmmmm... isn't that true about
vampires too?  ;-)
My condolences to all who have lost or have sick fuzzies.  If you
need a shoulder....
Warm Hugs to All. tle
[Posted in FML issue 1592]