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Mon, 13 May 1996 16:25:07 -0400
Ken Kinard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Boy!  What a group!!
I posted last week that my oldest, Tina, was having surgery.  I received
many replies off-line with thoughts, prayers and concerns.  You guys are
Anyway.... Tina had her surgery on Thursday morning.  Came thru it fine.
The vet removed her left adrenal gland and sent it off to be biopsied(sp),
should know the results in a couple of weeks.  The vet also checked out her
other internal organs and found everything okay.  I picked her up Friday Pm.
and brought her home to a hospital cage with food water, litter box, and her
favorite backpack stuffed with rags to sleep in.  This way she could get
some rest and the other two thirds of the confusion would leave her alone.
She slept most of the weekend, only getting up now and then to get a bite to
eat(Thank goodness.  She wouldn't eat at the vet), take a drink, and use the
litter box(well you know, she looked at the box while she went..).
Here in the metro Atlanta area it is hard to find a vet that can spell
"ferit" so I picked Dr. Mimi Sheppard (For Pets' Sake), who I found in the
database here on the FML.  She specializes in birds and exotics (no cats or
dogs.  Have to take my cats somewhere else).  When I went for the vist to
have Tina checked for adrenal problems, I took a complete copy of the FAQ's
(all 5 parts).  When I showed it to Dr. Mimi she glanced through it and said
that she knows and went to school with several of the vets that had
contributed to the info (kinda reassuring).
I don't want this to get too long.  I tend to be long winded most of the
time.  Again, many thanks for all your concerns.  If you want more info on
Tina and the surgery contact me off-line.
  Ken, Donna & Kelli (humans, "the confused")
       Tina, Sassy, & Aggie "The Aggravator" ("The Confusion")
       Gandy, Pinker, Tatoo, & Sabrina (felines, "the most confused")
       Motor-mouth & TOO (parakeets, "the clueless")
       ( "TOO" stands for "The Other One".  We couldn't think of a name when
       we first got him and kept calling the bird The Other One, so I said
       that's what we should name him.)
      Ken L. Kinard                      Phone: (404) 894-6977
      Ga. Tech / GTRI / AIST         Fax:    (404) 894-9875
      400 10th Street
      Rm 316B
      Atlanta, Ga. 30332-800
      [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1569]