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Sat, 11 May 1996 21:05:31 -0500
David and Serena <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Anna mentioned this, and I think it's a great idea.  My fiance and I would
also be willing to donate web space and do coding.  I've been wanting to put
up a site that is worthwhile and meaningful.  I think this is something I
would love to work on.  I think, however that it might need to be more than
one site, perhaps several sites in different regions?  I say that because
the work needed to maintain a site that contained ferrets from all over the
US would be a big load on a single person.  Any thoughts?  I would really
like to be included in any effort like this.
Serena & Dave (more web-site experience--YAY!!!)
Calliope & Zen (what's a web site, mommy?  Does it taste good?)
                David Sawyer
                [log in to unmask]
        "You are on the verge of being truly mad."
        "No, not at all. Look at me. I can tie my shoelaces.
        See? And my tie. Takes some care, you know, to get it
        all around your neck and into your shirt and so forth,
        and not look like a lunatic with a big scarf around
        your neck."
[Posted in FML issue 1566]