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Sat, 11 May 1996 14:01:58 -0400
Dave & Debbie Les <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (66 lines)
Hi mom,
When I first met you, you seemed to be a little scared of me an my brother
L.S. but you seemed like a nice lady and dad sure liked you.  One night he
told me that he loved you as much as L.S.  and me.  I figured that he was
exaggeratin again, but it showed us that you were special.  I didn't know it
then but you really are special!  Remember when I got sick the first time.
I was always bigger 'n prettier'n L.S. but something happened and all my
hair disappeared (like dad's).  Then I didn't want to eat and dropped from
3lbs. to 3/4 of a lb.  I remember how you cried and how many times it was
you takin me to the vet's instead of our dad.  I also remember the vet
tellin you that he should put me to sleep.  I couldn't figure out why you
cried so hard.  I was so tired all the time and sleepin seemed like a good
idea to me.  You told him that you could still see some fight and
playfulness left in me and that you wouldn't give up.  Then came all that
strange medicine and sloppy food and more tears.  Geeezzz you kept feeding
me with that darned eyedropper for a couple of months and I tried like crazy
to make you quit but you sure were more stubborn than me!  I also heard you
talkin to some guy that I never could see.  You told him about how good I
was and how it just wasn't fair that I should be so sick!  Who was that guy?
He must have been some kind of magician because I started to get strong
again.  Once I got my fur back and I was back up to my "L.S. fighting
weight", dad told me that if it weren't for you I would have stopped living
and never been able to eat another raisin or steal toys or put your shoes
away or dance or... Wow thanks!!!  I sure do enjoy this living stuff that
you gave me.  It was you again, mommy, when my belly hurt sooo bad because I
couldn't pee anymore, who took me to that special vet.  We must have rode in
the car for an hour and my belly kept hurtin worse and worse.  I got scared
when you left.  They shaved all the hair on my belly (is that why it hurt?).
When I came home, dad told me that the doctor called you in the middle of my
operation to tell you that my bladder burst as soon as they opened me up.
The vet wanted to put me to sleep again while I was still under the
anesthetic.  Once again you wouldn't give up on me.  Dad said that you told
him that I was a fighter and to do everything in his power to save me.  Dad
also said that you talked to that magic guy again.  I remember how you
looked when you picked me up for that long drive home (my belly didn't hurt
this time).  Boy mom, you sure do cry allot.  Just as soon as my belly hair
grew back, my belly started hurtin again!  Thanks, mom for takin me to the
special vet again and talkin to the magic guy.  Even though they had to
shave my belly once more, it was worth it to be able to pee again.  I don't
like when my belly hurts like that.  I know that you must get mad at me
sometimes when I miss those litter boxes or when I drag my bottom on the
heater deflectors but you never act like it.  You must know that I don't do
it on purpose.
Thanks for everything, mom.  I know that you spend all your time with me and
my brothers and we love you very much.  L.S. tells me that he follows you
around and meets you at the door when you get home and White Fang kisses you
allot.  I thought that I'd better write this so that you'd know that I love
you even more because you saved my life so many times.  All of us are soooo
glad that you married dad so that we could have the best ferret mom in the
Me and my brothers wanted to get you a gift that would show you how much we
love so it has the most special things in the world in it.  We put them all
in a box and had dad tie a ribbon on it!
I love you more than: raisins, oranges, oilies, sleepin curled up with my
brothers, lickin tub water, fighting with Fang and the drapes,... and dad!
yours truly,
PS I hope that I don't do anything more to make you cry!
[Posted in FML issue 1566]