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Thu, 9 May 1996 10:43:56 -0500
Phillip Quinn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
          ********** Disclaimer: ***********
-The following contains no info on selling ferret t-shirts or any other
means of making money off Ferrets.
> From:    Lara Steele <[log in to unmask]>
> Anyone on the FML have a fuzzy that loves Bacardi and coke?  He is very
> picky about the brand, disdaining Wild Turkey or J.D.  If I set the glass
I discovered that our ferts like adult beverages.  First off, I am a home
brewer and winemaker.  When bottling my last batch of brew, Paelon went nuts
and licked the top of the Brewkeg container.  They like the smell, I guess.
Both my oldest ferts will jump on the table to "try" to sneak a sip of
Turkey-Tea or Turkey-sprite.  They also will scratch and paw to get to a
glass of wine.  I don't give alcohol to them, but they will still try to
get it.
I am curious about FML readers ferret's musical tastes.  I remember reading
stories of Ferrets reacting to their owners musical instruments.  Mine don't
seem to react to Live music.  They do hang around when certain CD's are
playing.  Paelon (2 yr, sable, male) likes old "Cure".  This may have
something to do with the fact I played a small tape player with him when we
first got him.  He got vocal at night when we was young.  Diana (female,
albino, almost 2 now) likes Depeche Mode.  The new kid, Anastasia doesn't
seem to react to any music yet.  She ran from the room when I played SP 's
new one.
There is some funny behavior I wanted to share.  They have a 3 storey cage.
It's a big cage (4.5 ft X 4.5 ft X 3 ft.) Level one is dining room, kitchen
and sleeping nest in the corner (and on a pink round hammock net thing).
The second storey has another water bottle and a blue fuzzy wool tunnel and
the third level has a lime green hammock and a third water bottle.  The
third level also includes an observation platform (for watching humans) Now,
with this in mind: At night Diana will go to the bottom to sleep with the
baby Anastasia.  Paelon will sleep in the blue tunnel (2nd level).  After
Anastasia falls asleep, Diana will sneak up to the 2nd level and climb into
the blue tube with paelon.
Sometimes, in the morning, we will find all three in the blue wool tube.
Other times Diana and Anastasia will sleep in the Pink Hammock and Paelon
will sleep on the bottom (in a blanket).  It is a rare occasion to see them
all sleep together.
  Phillip & Michelle
  Diana "dancing" , Anastasia who "smiles", and Paelon "the big-headed
toiletpaper roll" man
[Posted in FML issue 1564]