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Tue, 7 May 1996 01:58:22 -0700
Kelleen & The FANG GANG <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi All,
So many here lately feel there is something wrong in that their ferret will
not cuddle at all or even be still for a second.  But then they mention the
ferret is maybe 2 to 4 months old more or less.  TRUST ME!!!  THIS IS
NORMAL!  This is still way too young for most ferrets to become cuddly.
Sometimes you luck out and get a lover from the day they are born but not
usually.  My two little ones that I got at 5 or 6 weeks old have just begun
to let me hold them for 3 to 5 minutes at a time.  They are right at 8
months old now.  Before that they never sat still nor kissed me or licked me
etc.... NO CUDDLING whatsoever.  Now I get kisses, licks, ear & eye
cleanings and overall a much more cuddly couple of ferts.  Give it time and
let them get this speedball energy wore out of them.  Of course some ferrets
will simply never be cuddly but they will calm down as they mature.
As for the real hard biting that is normal too as they think you are just a
big 'ol ferret and they can be rough with you like other ferrets.  It is up
to US to teach them how hard of play is acceptable.  There are several ways
of doing this and many have been mentioned here.  I also have a LAST RESORT
method if NOTHING else works and you have tried everything.  I only send
this privately as I have gotten flack over it in the past.  It was not my
idea originally but another FML'er's long ago.  But what the hay, it works
in desperate cases.
So stop worrying and be patient, one day they WILL surprise you, count on
it<GGG>!  TNT!
      Kelleen Andrews  &  The FANG GANG!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1562]