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Sat, 27 Apr 1996 03:11:09 -0700
Kelleen & The INSANE 10 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (111 lines)
Hi All,
I am very much wanting one of the t-shirts that is called the OUTLAW
T-SHIRT!!  I have the info on one that has two ferts standing up wearing
gunbelts with guns and they look like they are getting ready to draw them.
Says on it (I am pretty sure) "WANTED : CRIMES UNKNOWN" or maybe just
Now I have been told there is another one that says something to the
effect of wanted for the crimes of: raisin theft, etc.... In other words
it actually lists many crimes they are accussed of in a real cute and
funny way.
If ANY of you have info.  on this shirt or even something real similar
PLEASE send it to me.  Sometimes in little catalogs or listings from the
order by mail places they do not show a picture of it or list in the
description exactly what the shirt looks like and says.  So I do not know
where I should buy one or what it would be called.  Mom has agreed to buy
one for me in hopes it will help to cheer me up some and make up for some of
the crap happening lately.  So act quickly while she is still in such a
generous mood<GGG>!
Update on the mites while I am here: I took them in yesterday but this vet's
office is the pits other than for the vaccinations.  I go for them because
they are almost half the cost there and they give FANG a special discount,
one for me/shelter and a different one for all our members.  This was the
1st trip there for anything else.  I told them on the phone that I had
THOROUGHLY cleaned their ears that morning but they said to still bring them
in that afternoon as they could always take another sample.  I stressed 3
times to the receptionist just how WELL I had cleaned them.  Went in and
they got a very small amount from Bobo and Lightstar's ears.  They could see
no mites but said that didn't mean they weren't there.  AARRGGHH!!  I
realized later that other ferrets have been around mine and I REALLY NEEDED
to know if they had them or not.  I called back today and talked to another
vet there explaining the whole story and he said I could bring them back in,
YEAH RIGHT for another $17 exam fee!!  So I will never take any kids to them
again other than the shots!  I called Petsmart and made an appointment for
9:00 am. this morning to have another ear cytology done.  And good lord
Bobo's ears are absolutely horrid once again already!!  This just has to be
mites because I know his ears were not like this when I got him and it takes
24 hours or less after an extremely good cleaning for the inside and outside
(the inner hole above the ear canal hole not the fur) of his ears to be
filled with crap all over again.
I also NEED to know about the mites because a lady came to look at Bobo and
possibly adopt him tonite.  I told her not to bring her new 7 week old kit
in case he does have them.  She seemed to love Bobo and even liked his name.
I guess it is Phillipino for Fat Boy!  Bobo is not fat but he is very solid
& husky and somewhere between medium to large in size.  He is my gorgeous
Siamese!  If he has mites then I told her she could leave him with me until
they are gone since I already got the medicine from the ____ (insert word of
choice).  They let their little one run free and plan to build a large cage
for times when a cage is absolutely necessary or she just plain needs a
break!  LOL!!  I am really happy about all this as Lightstar just jumps like
heck on him and is rather mean about it and Pearl has chosen to be a little
s**t about it too.  She doesn't jump on him as much since she sleeps a lot
being older.  She can be real vicious too when she chooses to be.  This way
my sweet laid back Bobo will have a brand new baby girl to play with and
have fun with and there should be no chance of her viciously attacking him.
He will still have his freedom and a real nice family to boot.  Plus I and
Miss Rockadoodle will visit him sometimes too.  Nevertheless I will feel
very sad at his leaving since he has been with me going on 2 months now.
Tears will be shed but they will only partly be from sadness.  I know this
is best for him and he will be so much happier not having to hide or run
away from my mean two.  He won't have to look over his shoulders constantly
anymore either.
Rockadoodle is going to have another pee pee test this Tuesday so I am
keeping my paws crossed that there will be great results to report.  She is
much more active now and doing some snooping around for once.  Before she
would just hide and sleep and that was it.  It helps too that her and Bobo
have been free the last 2 weeks to roam the entire house instead of their
one room.  The last test showed lots of white cells but no red ones.  The
vet thought maybe Bobo had been trying to mate with her and kept the
infection raging because of it.  Has anyone ever found that even the
neutered males seem to get horny as heck in the spring??  The vet said that
about Bobo and my Mom caught Otee trying to mount Shyla a couple weeks ago.
Is this normal guys??  I don't know whether to laugh and say "Typical male!"
(LOL!  Just a joke, no FLAMES please!) or be worried.  Enlighten me someone,
Knowing I may have found Bobo the PERFECT home tonite and having Rockadoodle
feeling so good has made this a really great day for a change.  That plus
having made LOTS of new friends via the FML due to all this.  THANK YOU from
the very bottom of my fuzzy heart for all of your support and understanding.
You guys and the ferrets mean the world to me and keep me going strong.
Maybe after today this means the bad, nasty, horibble streak has ended and
good times are now on their way once again!!  I surely do hope so.  THANKS
PS- Have to tell you this.  I was told a wonderful new friend from far away
read my tarot cards and the main card that came up was the OTTER!!  Is that
perfect or what??  He also asked me what my name means and I told him it was
Scottish and Irish but I did not know the meaning.  I then said it must
surely mean "KEEPER OF THE FERRETS!"!!  ROTFL!!
*      Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House              *
*      President and Founder of F.A.N.G.              *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705           *
*      [log in to unmask]                               *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
*         Idiocy is our only option!                  *
*     Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak              *
[Posted in FML issue 1552]