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Thu, 21 Mar 1996 21:36:06 -0500
Lea Statler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I took Charlie to the vet today and he has an infiction in his lungs.  Well,
they took X-rays, and the vet told me that his heart is a little rounder
than it should be and that the wall of his intestines are thicker than they
should be.  Should I be worried?  Is this going to cause problems later on?
Is there anything I can do, now to help prevent any of the problems he may
have later?
Charlie is only 6 months old and I don't want to even think about losing
Any info will help. I did look at the disease download files, but couldn't
find anything that sounded like this.
Thanks for being here.
Charlie(l'm not tried mom, let me out Please!!!  You all watch out for the
big picture taker it was scary)
Kiki(Where did you go? And can l try the stufff they gave you?)
Riki(What's going on? Hey! Come play in this krinkle sack thing)
Lea(yes l got them a new toy. l felt so bad for Charlie)
Ignorance kill the cat(or was that the Ferret?), Curiousity was Famed!-unkown
[Posted in FML issue 1515]