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Sat, 9 Mar 1996 11:14:29 -0500
bmacgregor <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Good Morning Fellow Fuzzit Lovers:
We are delighted to announce "Sasha"!  Sasha (our kids don't like his name),
is a beautiful ten week old sable whose previous owner had to give up.  This
precious little boy is beautiful and gentle, and has not been neutered or
descented.  We had him to the vet for his first visit and have changed his
food from a store quality cat food to Iams and Excel kitten food.  Our dog
(border collie/black lab mix) loves this ferret!!  and they are becoming the
best of friends, seeking each other out to play.  When Sasha is caged,
Baxter whimpers for his new buddy.  Baxters first love however, still
remains Harley the two year old cat.  We are taking it very, very slowly in
introducing Katy and Sasha to each other and Katy is not pleased with the
newcomer.  Katy is three years old and has only had the dog and cats as her
companions and is not sure what to think of this new guy!  Will keep you
Can anyone suggest why Katy tries to eat leaves off an aloe vera plant?  I
don't allow her to do this but I wonder if she has hairballs?  I will be
contact my vet regarding same.
Jean and her sweetheart ferret Katy (Mom, what is that!)
Baxter (oh boy, oh boy, oh boy another playmate!)
Tiffany (do I have to share my food with him too?)
Teca (yawn, another one, don't let *it* near me)
Harley (harumph)
Ditch (hmm, he's interesting)
Nemesis (am I still the cutest, am I, am I?)
Jean                                      "Everything that lives
[log in to unmask]                        Lives not alone
                                           Nor for itself"     William Blake
[Posted in FML issue 1502]