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Fri, 1 Mar 1996 21:59:35 -0500
Bernard Beaupin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Regarding cats and ferrets I have two completely different experiences.
Pandora, my second ferret, was left alone for about 2 minutes with Cleo the
cat.  Pandora had eluded us and had snuck out into the hallway from where we
heard a terrified scream.  The scream was from Pandora who was swatted
across the face by Cleo, scratching her right eye.  The vet could do nothing
for her and she lost sight in that eye.  The loss of vision never bothered
her though.
My third ferret, Bungee, has not been allowed into any contact with cats for
fear of having yet another monoccular ferret..BUT..my girlfriend introduced
Bungee to Felix (how original!) while she was boarding Bungee when I was out
of town.  No problems with Felix, as a matter of fact he's a little afraid
of Bungee.  They have closely supervised sessions together and seem quite
fond of one another.  Though Bungee loses interest in Felix after a few
So there is my experience.  I should also say that Cleo spends a lot of time
outside and is a prolific hunter while Felix is a marshmellow house cat.
--------FOR FLO EYES ONLY------------
greetings warriors of freedom from secret agent Bungee.  My real name is
"stealth biker chick from hell".  I have successfully carried out numerous
solo raids on stashes of vital FLO equipment (socks, cookies, petromalt
tubes, raisin boxes, brooms, mops, plastic bags, anything latex, shoe
insoles, and used tea bags).
the so-called neutral human strikes back with great fury in one single
enormous raid that wipes out all known stashes.  I then must re-double my
efforts in the never-ending quest of stuff accumulation.
I have recently acquired the all important teleporting skill and am now
able to access new areas of untold wealth.  I have been actively lobbying
for more agents through violent and unprovoked  terrorist bombings in
unprotected corners, alas this has not worked on the human.  it only seems
to reaffirm his offending viewpoint that if one FLO operative can do all of
this, then more than one would create total anarchy.  I am at a loss as to
what to do next, past negotiations have brought only temporary cease fires.
I fully intend to carry out the planned toe attack at four in the morning,
the human truly hates this, perhaps he will eventually learn that all
attacks will stop if only I had a fellow FLO agent to keep me company!  I
have promised this to him in the past but he refuses to believe me.  Have
any other agents noticed this distrustfull attitudes these humans have
towards us?
signing off,
secret agent Bungee (stealth biker chick from hell)
freedom and victory will be ours.
[Posted in FML issue 1494]