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Wed, 8 May 1996 19:59:19 -0700
Amy Evers <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
When I read Dayna's post about the poor baby with the rubber bands tied
around his feet, I didn't know whether to cuss or cry.(actually I did both)
I don't understand how anyone could be so cruel to a little baby Fert.  All
I can say is I hope something REALLY AWFUL happens to whomever did this.
Lynn, I have been reading your descriptions of what happened to Squeek, and
I wish you both the best of luck!  What's odd, is that this reminds me of
what happened to my dog about 7 years ago.  One day she was fine, the next
she was a bit off balance in the rear, and within a week she was totally
paralyzed..  The Vet could find NOTHING wrong with her, either physically or
chemically using every test he had.  Boots stayed at the Vets for five days,
unable to eat by herself or move anything but her facial muscles (eyes,
ears, mouth...).  On the 6th morning the Vet called and told us it would be
best to put her down.  We planned on coming in that evening to take care of
everything and say good bye, but when we got there the Vet was excited and
took us to see Boots right away.  There she was trying to crawl to us using
her front legs!  Within another week she could again stand on her own, and
was basically back to normal.( she never was able to jump into the pickup by
herself again) A year later she gave us a beautiful litter of 5.  She
crossed the Rainbow bridge about a year ago now, at the age of 14.  We still
have her daughter Brandy from this last litter.
Anyway....I just thought this may give you a bit more hope and courage. Keep
up the good work. BTW We never did figure out what caused this.
Well sorry for babbling on about an UN-Ferret, TNT!  Many Dooks to all!
Amy & Katie
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit"!
[Posted in FML issue 1563]