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Wed, 1 May 1996 02:09:37 -0700
Kelleen & The FANG GANG <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (134 lines)
Hi All,
Well what a day this has been!!!  Most things not great, a few definitely
bad things and ONE fantastic one!  Gee, let's see, shall I go on and on
about the crap 1st or jump in with the one liner great thing?  OK, I'll give
you a break and start with the great thing!!
Found out this afternoon that Rockadoodle's pee pee test showed the
infection is ALL GONE!!!!  Hooray!  Jump for joy and pee and poo on
everything!  (The ferrets not me<G> awww heck maybe even me too!) I am just
so thrilled this is finally done with.  We have been medicating her for 2
months or more now.  What a big relief.  In a day or two we are going to
have a major Pee Pee Party for her!!  LOL!  We are waiting to celebrate a
most generous donation when it arrives completely, we will tell you all the
details when it gets here!  Can't wait.
Also something odd about the Rock, I read about the impacted anal glands on
another ferret in the FML yesterday and, bingo, a light went on in my brain.
So I took the Rock with me today at the 2nd visit to ask great Dr. Ken if he
could feel any scent glands down there and if he could get anything out of
them.  You see when I got home from the 1st vet visit this morning, when I
dropped off the dogs, Rock smelled real strong of this funny smell she has
had since I got her.  I thought it might be the infection.  It was in no way
a full fledged poof smell as my good friend David asked his little albino
guy to risk his neck for the cause.  In otherwords he sacrificed himself to
a big ol' fight with his sister Kitt who is not descented and ALWAYS poofs
when she attacks him.  I thought I was going to GAG to death let me tell
you!!  UGH, got to be the closest thing to a skunk I have ever smelled.  It
was absolutely awful.  So once I had actually smelled a true poof I knew
this was not what the Rock was doing.  BTW Tazzie was WELL rewarded for his
sacrifice, lots of ferretone, loves and freedom from the cage for the entire
nite even tho it was not his turn.
So when I read about the lady's story I REALLY began to wonder.  Doc Ken
definitely felt something down there and when he squeezed it some of the
scent stuff came out on the cotton.  Since Rockadoodle has never FULLY
poofed we are thinking perhaps she had a botched descenting surgery.  I will
have to see now that he squeezed some yuck out if the next time she gets
sneak attacked by Lightstar she actually does a real poof or not.  May sound
terrible to say but I am kind of hoping she is unable to do the real thing
for all of ours sake<GGG>!  Not that I would wish a botched surgery on her
or anything, but, well, you know what I mean.
I was telling Doc Ken about the Demodex mite that was found and all and he
could not figure out how it happened or why ALL the ferts would have them.
I told him that I didn't believe that they all necessarily had those mites
but I sure did believe they all had some kind of mite.  So I got some
samples from Rock's ears, she tried to rip the Doc's hand off when he tried
but was fine for me, and he did another ear cytology.  Guess what?  No
Demodex mities but there were the regular kind that they usually get.  I
KNEW IT!!!!  I even taught him something he didn't know when I asked for
more Ivermectin solution and he told me that the seminar he went to said it
did not work well at all used topically, at least not in cats.  I said to
him that these were a whole nother critter so he checked a book he had and
it said the topical Ivermectin actually works way better in ferrets than the
shots do.  Score one for the shelter operator and all you guys that educated
me beforehand!  Special thanks to Doc Dutton for responding to me several
times about this and answering ALL my questions.  I also bought some flea
mousse at Petsmart to use on the outside.  Talk about expensive, $10 for a
regular size container of mousse.  Doc Ken also said the Ivermectin must be
working as the mite he showed me in the microscope never moved once and so
was dead.  And I just gave them the first dose Sunday afternoon.  I got some
extra to keep on hand for shelter kids and some more to give to David as his
ferrets appear to have mites as well.  I also got Rock's rabies shot given
When we went to pick up the dogs got told some not good things.  Rascal did
not come out of the gas anethesia as well or quickly as she should have.  He
feels she needs more weight but she is absolutely NOT skinny.  I bought her
a case of higher protein and calorie food anyway just in case.  Then he said
that SIlly's glands in her neck and below around the pelvic area are all
swollen up.  We are hoping it was just from her teeth being so bad.  I feel
awful that they got so bad before I noticed them.  I have been so involved
with getting the shelter and club up and running that I was a terrible Mommy
to them and just plain missed the fact they had gotten so nasty.  Never
again I tell ya!  I will be much more observant of them in the future.  So I
ended up having both of them have their teeth cleaned, ears cleaned and the
hair pulled out, and shots of Ivermectin for possible mites since they could
very well have them too.  Plus both have to take antibiotics for a couple of
weeks.  If Silly's glands do not clear up on this med then we will have some
major testing to do on her so please keep her in your thoughts and hope she
is all right.
That means my REAL BAD news was that when I left the Doc's office I had to
sign a credit card charge of about $310.00!!!  (You want how much???) EEEEE
GADS!!  I nearly you know whated in my pants guys.  About $78 of it was to
do with Rockadoodle alone and Doc K was either very nice or just plain
forgot but he did not charge me a cent for the ear cytology.  Of course he
knew I had already paid for 2 of them to be done, one last Thursday and one
on Saturday..  And even tho he did a LOT more than just give her the shot he
did not charge me an office call for Rockadoodle either.  Thank the powers
that be or the bill would have been about $40 more than it was with the
cytology and an office visit included too!  YIKES!
Then just as I got back into Boise, my vet is in another town 20 min.  away,
I was near a stop light by Petsmart and a ^%#@*)^@!&* big van changed lanes
into me and I very narrowly avoided a collision since the turn lane had just
barely enough room for me to get into it real quick.  If Fang had not been
with me I would have let the SOB hit me I swear!  Last year starting in
about July thru August I had 4 people cause me car wrecks.  Three backed
into me for no good reason and a school bus changed lanes into me and I was
forced real hard up an abrupt curb.  Threw my back into total spasms and
soft tissue damage but because I had another guy back into me just the
morning before this they are refusing to pay all my medical bills and I
can't get a single stinkin lawyer to take my case as of yet!  None of them
have the time they say, yeah right!  Believe me that if you have the choice
of being hit or avoiding it but having to do what I did, and then you may be
hurt and things inside my car also went wacky on me, definitely let the dang
thing hit you!  At least then your bills will get paid and you will get a
fair settlement instead of getting screwed to the wall plus all the pain and
suffering and car damage.  OK back to the real topic<GGG> Sorry just had to
blow off some steam I guess.
Oh yeah the reason Fang was with me in the 1st place.  This is bad and good.
This morning while hurrying to get ready I opened an armoire drawer to get
my socks and Fang snuck under it where I could not see him and I had no idea
he was there.  I went to close the drawer and smacked him real good in the
back of the head at the neck area.  I freaked and grabbed him up to take
with me since I was going to the vet anyway.  I prayed he was not hurt and
the whole ride over he kept looking out the windows and squirming to get
away till I finally had to put him back in the carry case.  He seems just
fine even now, thank the powers that be whatever they may be.  So it started
real bad and then turned out fine.  Sigh........The second I got home I
transferred the socks to another drawer that is way above them so there is
no danger and put stuff I NEVER get out in the bad drawer.  I am hoping that
it will never be opened again!
Well other than spending what was left of my evening helping David do his
ferts ears I guess that about covers my little ol' day<GGGG> THANKS for
listening to those that made it to the end!!!<GG> ALL TWO OF YOU!  LOL!  See
ya on the flip-side, TNT!!
[Posted in FML issue 1556]