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Fri, 12 Jan 1996 13:58:50 -0600
"John D. Coley" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
We have taken our two bundles-o-joy, Alexander and Moxie, on several car
trips from Chicago to the east coast (Boston, Maine) and back.  They are
EXTREMELY good travelers.  We just put them in their travel cage with a
litter box, hammock, and sweatshirts, and they doze the whole time.  We
leave a food dish attached to the door of the cage, but take off the water
bottle (the motion of the car makes it leak, and it soaks the bedding in no
time).  Whenever they wake up, we stick their water bottle into the cage,
baby-bottle style, to see if the want a drink.  When we stop for gas (this
might be more applicable in the summer), we put on their leashes & harnesses
and take 'em out for some exercise.  They never fail to draw a
curious-tranformed-into-adoring crowd.  We don't let them run free inside
the car, as there are too many nooks and crannies that they could ferret
their way into, but the do like to look out the windows while being held
very securely in our laps.  Like I said, we've never has a problem traveling
like this, and they love it.  Good luck!
John & Rebekah
Alexander & Moxie
[Posted in FML issue 1443]