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Tue, 2 Jan 1996 15:43:49 -0500
text/plain (21 lines)
This is the first time I've written, but I just couldn't resist telling you
about our kids.  At the beginning of November we purchased a 6 week old
ferret, named Cecil.  He joined our already overly furry household of three
dogs and a cat.  We weren't sure how they would get along, but Cecil and the
cat, Thing, got along great right from the start.  Behr, our 4 yr.  old, 105
pound, baby didn't want to be left out, so he too quickly became friends
with Cecil.  Otus, our 85 pound "animal control officer" wasn't too sure he
liked having another kid in the house, but after a month of only visiting
Cecil through the cage he decided that Cecil could stay.  They are now
insperable.  If Cecil hasn't been out for his usual play time Otus will lay
by the cage and whine until we let Cecil out to play.  Samantha, our oldest
kid, and only girl, doesn't want anything to do with any of her brothers,
but isn't mean to any of them.  She just leaves the room.  All our boys are
now practically insperable, and take turns playing with Cecil until he's too
pooped to play.  The moral of this story is...if introduced at a pace that
is consistent with the pet's personality almost any kind of will get along
with another.
Louise, Sam, Otus, Behr, Thing & Cecil
[Posted in FML issue 1432]