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Sat, 21 Oct 1995 15:52:54 -0400
Todd & Andi Lockhart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
You know your ferrets are spoiled when ... you stay up all night with a
sicky the night before a final exam worth 60% of your grade & don't even
care that you blew the "A".
You know your ferrets are spoiled when ... you go out shopping for toys for
them, and come home with the best - 2 MORE ferrets!!!!
You know your ferrets are spoiled when ... you have *YEARS* that you can
look back on where you spent more per month on their health and happiness
than you even spent on your own food.
You know your ferrets are spoiled when ... they claim a $45 stuffed Gund
puppy as their own, and you let them because they look so cute with it!
Andi & the spoiled 9
I guess 8 wasn't enough ... although maybe 9 isn't either, I keep thinking
about that black sable kit Todd was holding at a show last month
...hmmmm...gift giving occassions are just around the corner!  :)
[Posted in FML issue 1352]