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Mon, 25 Sep 1995 12:31:46 -0400
william killian <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (79 lines)
When entering a pet store ferret in a show you just list the sire and
dam as unknown.  You guess a date of birth by asking the the pet shop how
long they had the ferret before you got the fuzzy.  Guess that they got
the ferret at about 8 weeks and estimate a date based on that.
As long as I'm talking about showing a Marshall Farms ferret, my Furball
finished up her career earning her Supreme Grand Championship status.
This is the highest level attainable in the independent ferret club
rankings.  A ferret must earn 3000 points to get the title.  Furball
finished at this show placing Third and Ninth in the two rings - she was
by far the oldest ferret entered in the show.  Almost two full years
older than the next oldest ferret.  The normal showing age for ferrets is
from 16 weeks up to three years old.  LIFE sanctioned shows do not allow
ferrets over 5 years old and AFA shows do not allow ferrets over 6 years
old.  Most of the independent shows do not have an age limit.  I am still
awaiting my NAFA standards and do not recall what age limits are set by
FURO.  Furball was shown at one LIFE show before the age limit was added.
I did not start showing her until she was over five years old as I had
not even known about ferret shows until then.  Furball in her career
earned a best in show  title in New York at the Big Apple Ferret at the
age of 5 years and 11 months.  She took ribbons in ever show she
entered except one.  Furball would have finished her title earlier except
for the age limits imposed by AFA and LIFE.  At one show she was sleeping
with my infant son and pictures of this have become part of the displays
for STAR*, AFA, and several local ferret clubs to show that ferrets and
babies CAN get along well - there is no other ferret in the world I trust
more than Furball.  These pictures have also appeared (or will appear) in
a few of the ferret publications including the cover of the most recent
American Ferret Review of the AFA.
I do not advocate showing older ferrets that are not in prime condition.
I have had several ferret judges express the opinion that Furball would
take a ribbon if not first place in their rings with no concern about her
being stressed because of her age.  Furball thrives on the excitement of
the shows.  She loves people and has NEVER even given an indication of
nipping or biting under any provocation.
Obviously I'm quite proud of my little girl.  I've lost other ferrets but
none will hit as hard as the inevitable loss of this sweetest of girls.
Based on her condition I hope that that will still be years in the future.
She is a little Chocolate Siamese with near perfect markings for her
pattern and color.  She never was a large ferret weighing at most 1.25
pounds sopping wet.  She has the best coat of any ferret I've ever seen -
and that is not a biased opinion - others have said the same thing.  Her
skeletal structure is great especially considering her age but her muscle
tone is showing age.  But If I am in her condition at the human equivalent
of about 70 years old I'll be quite happy.
Okay I'll stop bragging now.
Others were commenting about ferret shows in areas that do not currently
have shows.  Due to infighting that has been going on for many years I
would recommend new clubs forming not ally with one or another 'national'
organization right now.  Work with the other independent clubs like
Chicago, LAFF, and Baltimore until you have a good feel for the different
National groups.  After you've learned the cultural differences you can
choose to associate with one.  If you do this too early you get locked into
a culture that might not be right for your local folks.  Many of us would
be willing to help local clubs get started including members of the
national groups.  Locking in on a group will limit who can be used for
things like judging shows when the time comes.  None of the national groups
are really evil but none of them are perfect or right for all people.  I'm
a member of AFA, FURO, and NAFA.  I am a member of the local club LAFF and
cooperate withe most of the other local clubs especially in Maryland.  LIFE
does not accept individual memberships.  This is not a slam on any of the
national groups, just a recommendation on how to start a club and remain
out of the day to day politics while you get started.  You can use th
National groups and other local groups as resources while still being
independant of them at the beginning.
As far as shows in the South there were at one times NAFA shows in the
Lousiana area but I haven't been to a NAFA shows as none were local
enough at the times they've been held.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1326]