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Fri, 28 Jun 1996 12:03:29 EDT
Anne Charbonneau <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
With all the positive feedback I received from FML members who have both
dog(s) and ferret(s), I made the move... Since almost 2 weeks now, Charlotte
de la Puce, comtesse de Marmouset, lives with us... She is a toy poodle of
11 weeks old and weights actually 3.1 lbs...
The first day, she was afraid of everything and only wanted to stay on my
lap... So the ferrets were not paying any attention to her.  But when they
realized that she has her own cage, food, toys, etc... they became more
interested... Charlotte in the same time gained lot of confidence and wanted
to play with Adele and Hugo.  The problem is that for her playing means
running after ferrets, and nibbling tails.  So each time the dog approachs
them, Adele chomps Charlotte, and Hugo runs away.  Charlotte begins to have
more respect for Adele and stops running at few inches of her, but what can
I do with the reaction of Hugo???  The only solution I found (of course I
put Charlotte in her cage or on leash for a certain period of time, so Adele
and Hugo can have free room of the house...) is to sit on the floor with a
bunch of peeled pieces of grape and give them pieces one by one begining
with Adele first, than Hugo, and finally, Charlotte... After that, I offer
them a round of Ferretone!  Really, Charlotte things that ferrets are
fantastic!  They have great food (that's another problem), great toys, they
run fast, they play in tunnels and they hide food and treasures under
furnitures!!!  A dream for a puppy!  A nightmare for ferrets to see this
strange animal chasing them and steeling theirs food and toys!  What can I
do???  Please give me some advice!!!
Anne Charbonneau                        [log in to unmask]
Professeure chercheure adjointe         514 343 5924
Faculte de medecine dentaire
Universite de Montreal
et voici mes furets:            et ma chienne:
    Hugo 8>    et Adele H. :>   harlotte de la Puce, comtesse de Marmouset
                                                 sSSSSSs        {:}
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[Posted in FML issue 1616]