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Wed, 19 Jun 1996 07:21:39 -0600
Kelleen and the FANG Gang <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (146 lines)
Hi All,
Yes that subject line does mean I done went and got myself in a heap o
trouble like never before:-) I'm quite sure none of you that read it have
forgotten that terrible breeeder that I got Fancy Dancing & Cloud Dancing
from, (both have Dancing in their name now as they are related afterall:-))
Well I finally got sent to call the right people yesterday in the town where
she lives called Mt.  Home.  I called the Animal Control people there and as
always had to leave a message since they never seem to answer no matter
which city you call.  I said I would be home about 4 pm as I had to leave
right then for a vet appt..  (Oh yeah, real quick mention here and a longer
post later about this.  Today I FINALLY found what seems to be a very good
and educated about ferrets vet!  He has done many, many of each of the most
common of surgeries on them, plus shots etc... AND their prices were lower
than anyone else by quite a chunk and then they gave FANG a 10% discount off
of those!  I took in Silverada, more later, today and the 4 boys are going
in on Monday since I still have to work like heck to get the darn newsletter
out within the next few days.  Only a full week late now:-( Sorry all you
wonderful FANG MEMBERS.  The shelter life can be darn crazy at times and
blow your plans completely!  I promise to do my utmost best to never have
this happen again!)
Everything this vet talked to me about on the phone jived with everything I
have learned here and elsewhere:-) Sure made me feel much more comfortable
as I had cancelled my appt.  with Petsmart for today after speaking to the
vet there and finding out they do not routinely do any surgeries on ferrets.
They would have to be deemed as absolutely necessary but she couldn't tell
me what it would require to be considered that way.  My body was giving me
one of those gut feelings, that I have to pay real attention to, ever since
last week when I made the appt..  Today was the 1st opening avail..  I knew
if I took them there I would waste money and time that I didn't have because
somehow I just knew even if they did diagnose the 3 boys with Adrenal
Disease they would probably not deem it absolutely necessary surgery and I
would then have to find and pay for another vet anyway.  Plus she only knew
of one vet there that had ever done an adrenal surgery and she has only done
it once.  I just plain can't afford that!  Especially since...... (Here is a
surefire way to go into debt big-time<GG>)
When I did get home from the new, great vet:-) it was now about 5 pm instead
of the 4 pm time I said on my message to the Animal Control people.  I
figured they would not be calling me now and I would have to call again
tomorrow:-( But hot dang at 5:15 pm the call came.  Now the very disturbing
part that I will try to shorten, ha, ha, ha!  After telling the woman
director about everything I saw there and the shape the kits were in she
then asked me the name of the breeder but all I knew was Cindy.  The
director said two last names but I never knew her last name so it did no
good.  Then I said she was a rather large sized woman with short, dark hair
and she said "Oh yes that is Cindy _________ (can't remember it now) Then
she told me about this woman's history and it included Animal Control
before:-( She used to own a pet store and it took 3 years for AC (animal
control) to get her shut down.  She neglected and abused and everything you
can think of she did to the animals.  If there were babies that didn't sell
she took them out somewhere and killed them~!!:-( (&$%@$#*$#$*^%%) The
director also said she DOES NOT have a license to breed and I found out from
Michell the day after I got the kits that Idaho does require licenses to be
able to breed.  I am very glad about that since I am trying my best to stop
this type of breeding situation from happening.  This cheapcreep type of
person will never spend the moola to get a license since they are purely
money hungry to begin with and that's why they are breeding like they do!
Well, the director kept thanking me and thanking me for letting them know as
they had no clue she was doing this out of her home now.  She said she and
the police will be paying Miss Cindy whoever a visit later this
morning:-))))) I am really hoping like heck they will have the authority to
confiscate all the animals right then and there.  Now comes my BIG problem.
I asked what would happen to these animals if confiscated and she said
"Well, we'll try to find them good homes.".  I knew then what I had to do.
I told her how the woman had said the breeder ferrets were not handled and
would bite me if I touched them etc..  So they would not be fit to be pets
at this moment.  They would need extensive training and loving and patience
to ever trust people after this kind of life.  Also I mentioned that at
least one female is suppossed to be pregnant and since the Grandmother
Albino female was in with the Little unneutered male when we bought the kits
I wouldn't doubt that she too is probably pregnant now.  I asked very nicely
that if they did confiscate these ferrets would they possibly let me take
care of them and then place them?  I said I would make sure the unborn
babyies were well taken care of and the 3 adults also.  They would get their
vaccines, spays, neuters, descents, everything they need at the soonest
possible moment.  She immediately said "Oh yes, that would be just fine!".
I couldn't believe it had been so darn easy to arrange it:-)
The really weird thing is when we got Rockadoodle about 4 months or so ago I
thought her tummy felt strangely enlarged and my 1st thought was "Oh God,
she's probably pregnant!".  She wasn't of course but I told my Mom then that
somehow, some way I just KNEW that one day I would be getting in the shelter
a little pregnant female.  Once in awhile I have these weird feelings and
thoughts or maybe a dream that actually come true.  Not all the time and I
have NO control over it but it really does happen.  Mom of course told me to
stop saying that and forget I had ever thought it, we didn't need that to
happen.  LOL!!  I had to laugh because there was NO way I could ever forget
it and I always accept these messages as warnings to start preparing etc..
So now it is quite possible that in a day or a few days maybe I will have at
least one preggers female and very possibly two, plus the gorgeous
unneutered boy!
So to everyone out there that has ever bred ferrets and been thru a birthing
1st hand, HELP!!  I desperately need to start getting some info.  right
away.  If they do come I need to know what to feed the preggers, if there is
anything I need to help with when the kits are actually being born, when and
what do I start feeding the kits other than mother's milk, what age do the
kits begin to eat some possibly crumbled dry cat or ferret food (this is
also for my two 6 week old's too), and anything else of importance I have
left out here?  I will get in touch with the breeder's digest folks asap but
I can probably only get 1 issue before the kits are born and that will NOT
prepare me I am positive.  Maybe one of you breeder's out there has a lot of
back issues of the digest that pertain to mainly this area (maybe all issues
do?) and you could make me copies and snail mail them to me or scan them and
send via pooter?  I will gladly and gratefully repay you for any costs you
incur.  Obviously I AM NOT positive that I will get these 3 until tomorrow
possibly or a few days or even more, but I still need to get these
absolutely ASAP!  I KNOW one day I will have a pregnant Mommy at the FANG
Shelter even if it does not turn out to be this threesome that comes now.
PLEASE, please, help me out here guys!  I need you all now more than I ever
have before.  I am out in no man's land without a brain or anything<GGG> At
least without the proper knowledge in the brain:-) ONLY those who have
experienced this 1st hand write me please.  When I get 40 or 50 e-mails it
is real hard to get to them and I have no way to select the ones I really
need beforehand.  I am real behind on my FML's now and will be futher behind
later since I have to concentrate on the newsletter all of today and maybe
the next day.  But EVERYONE please send good thoughts my way and any extra
energy you might have as well<GGG> Wish us the very best of luck in putting
this creepazoid out of business forever, or thrown in prison is even better
<GG>, and getting ALL the aminals <G> to safety, including the 3 ferts to me!
THANK YOU ALL SOOOO VERY MUCH, you always come thru for me when I really
need you!!
Fuzzy hugs and kisses from,
Kelleen & The FANG GANG! (17 (possibly 20) ferrets, 2 doglets and 1 lowly
human caretaker!!
*      Kelleen Andrews  &  Her FANG GANG!!!!          *
*  President and Founder of F.A.N.G. Shelter/Club     *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705           *
*      208-342-7292                                   *
*      [log in to unmask]                               *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
[Posted in FML issue 1607]