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Fri, 7 Jun 1996 15:29:02 -0700
Lynn Mcintosh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
Just a quick update for those already familiar.
Squeek's off prednisone, and will finish Baytril soon.  He's gained nine
ounces since the onset of his illness six - yes, six!  - weeks ago.  No
improvement on balance, but he's been scratching his left ear with a hind
leg and licking soft food on his own!  Usually after I post, I see some
improvement, so watch out for news on Monday (hope, hope...)
For those who don't know (and are curious), Squeek is three and one\half
months old and grew ill exactly six weeks ago - seems like a century.  His
temp was low and fluctuating and he was completely limp.  His balance was
never great, came from a litter of neural tube babies (three, two born dead,
one dying after twenty-four hours), but he was otherwise normal.) If anyone
wants more specifics, just ask - he's had the regular battery of tests.
Now he can't hold up his head or walk and he needs to be hand fed (though
he'll sometimes lap soft food on his own with physical assistance on my
part).  he obviously enjoys walking in the backyard (heading for corners
like any fert would do) while I hold up his head and neck.  We're working to
strengthen his neck muscles and improve coordination there, as well as doing
many other physical therapy techniques - massage, bicycling of legs, help
with crawling (he can't crawl in a straight line himself; (though he does
okay crawling next to a wall), dinosaur walking (standing on back legs and
slowly walking to improve coordination).  Lots of loving words, too, are
bestowed regularly, and he's my best lap ferret, of course.  Mom, Claudette,
has become a complete love bunny since the illness began - I think she's
saying thank you for everything we've done, and it's so sweet of her.  (She
still can't resist my toes - ouch!  - and is more-than-ever playful and has
lost her mommy fat).
Thank you so, SO, SO, VERY much to you special people who have written
and/or continue to write.  The letters really help inspire hope.  And, boy
do I have some amazing animal recovery stories!!
Dayna's recent recovery story (though very different) was wonderful.  Boy,
Dayna, your stories are amazing - keep it up!!  Your fuzzy karma is off the
scale I'll bet!!
Squeek and mom Claudette [still licking away at her baby, and playing a bit
with him, as does her true love Tarzan; though her daughter (from her first
litter) is the typical mean big sister (sorry nice big sisters!) and will
bite his little nose, given a chance - she's not!].... boy what a long
And Lynn Mc, plus the rest of the Gang of Nine
P.S.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a visit from the infamous Bob,
having bribed him with Hungarian food, nine ferrets, a hose and showerhead
in the backyard (for the ferrets, not Bob, although...), and a meeting with
some official AUSSIE (LOS breeding program) ferrets.  If he stops bye, a
report will certainly follow - Squeek wants to meet him and get some new
exercises, too!!  (my ulterior motive, to pick Bob's fecund mind as to rehab
techniques/devices for our Squeekers!!!)
Bye for now,
P.S.  In case I never mentioned it, the funny thing on Claudette's neck that
looked like a 3/8" hat (outside red, inside a white bump) is gone!!  Thank
goodness for really huge favors!  I called my vet immediately after seeing
it, then the next day it was lighter, the next nearly gone - very weird, and
all the babies are going to get an exam - by us - this weekend, for lumps,
bumps, etc.  Have a great weekend, and loving, healing thoughts to all sick
fuzzies, that they may heal and soon play gleefully.
[Posted in FML issue 1594]