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Tue, 4 Jun 1996 04:40:29 -0700
Kelleen and the FANG Gang <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (124 lines)
Hi All,
Everyone PLEASE Dayna needs our help desperately now.  She is not the type
to just ask for help but this time it is most urgent.  She did mention this
situation in last nite's FML but I KNOW she will not outright ask for
monetary help to resolve her serious situation.  I was unable to post this
then since I was on the phone with her for over 4 hours straight last nite.
I really enjoyed my conversation with her and loved having a voice to put
with the name.  THANKS for calling me Dayna, I look forward to the next
Dayna has many ferrets in the infirmary right now besides Foggy and the two
burn kids, something like 11 total I believe.  The BIG problem here is that
her small air conditioner which has never really worked well is dying and
darn near dead.  It is only a matter of a very short time unfortunately.
She needs a larger and much stronger one that will last a long, long time.
She is having to mist all the sick ferts and all the well ones too every 15
to 30 minutes with cool water to keep them OK.  Still, many of the kids are
having real problems with this situation most especially those with medical
problems.  The burn kids are really affected by this heat.  She desperately
needs to buy a new air conditioner but it would cost her $400 to $500 to get
this.  She simply does not have the resources to accomplish this.
I have been talking with Dayna a lot since learning about Foggy (and just
tonite for 4 hours or longer on the phone:-)) and I am terribly impressed
with this lady.  Her strength and resolve and inventiveness to help our
sweet fuzzy's in need is amazing and deserves our support.  I have agreed to
be a go between for her as she must be careful handing out her address due
to her location.  Can't have her locked away in prison or something now can
we?:-) She tried every possible thing, including looking for a used one, to
get this problem solved but there is no way for her to do it she now
realizes.  That is unless we pull together and show her just how much we
believe in her and what she is doing.
My request is that EVERY SINGLE one of you please send anything you can
afford to help her get another air conditioner right away.  I don't care if
it is only $1 or $100 she needs every penny possible.  I have no problem
being her go between (due to her location and the risk it entails) in this
and we have already discussed my being the go between for her whenever she
needs it.  I have her whole hearted approval to do so.  If you would please
send anything you possibly can to me at FANG with a note that it is for
Dayna.  Or just write "For Dayna" on the check.  Think about it, if EVERY
SINGLE one of the FML'ers only sent $1 each she could buy the absolutely
best and most powerful AC out there and still have a lot of $$$ to buy
medicine and other things needed by her tiny patients.  My address is
Kelleen Andrews
405 S Orchard
Boise, Idaho 83705
I guarantee anything sent here for her will be very quickly sent to her.  As
soon as I have a decent amount at a time here I will wire it to her so she
gets it faster and I will simply pay the cost of the wiring out of my own
pocket, no matter how many wires I need to send in the end.  If there is
more than she needs for the air conditioner I will still send her every
penny as I mentioned above and it will be used to help with whatever all the
fuzzy's so desperately need.  I have NO problem with every one of you
e-mailing her afterward and asking if she got what you sent.  Besides the
wires she will also receive an e-mail listing every person who sent part of
the money and how much they sent along with their e-mail address so she can
contact each of you if she wishes.  I honestly don't mind anyone checking up
on me because I am not a liar or a con artist and I would never do something
like this to run a scam on people.
PLEASE everyone let's perform another miracle here that will keep on giving
for years and years.  Without the cooling air some of these kids may not
make it.  Her temps.  there right now are ranging from 90 degrees to 102
degrees and this is just the beginning of the hot season.  IT WILL GET MUCH
WORSE!  I need you ALL to get involved immediately and not wait.  The longer
it takes to accomplish this the more risk of problems and death there are.
We know how courageous this lady is to be doing this when her location
forces her to work underground and put herself at great risk.  Without her
around to do this what would the poor babies in that part of CA do?  We have
to keep her able to do what she does so extremely well.  I doubt there are
very many people like her in CA that do what she does or would even consider
doing it for a moment.  Let's help her with this very dangerous situation so
she has one less problem to worry about.  She needs to be at home and taking
constant care of the injured babies (especially the 2 burn victims) and not
out running all over trying to find a way to solve this terrible
I am amazed at how many truly awful cases she ends up with.  Things you just
really can't believe any human would do but then after thinking about it I
guess it probably does not really surprise us that much.  Unfortunately we
live in a pretty sick society nowadays:-( I pray that if I and FANG should
ever have to deal with anything even near to what she has dealt with that we
are able to handle it with the grace and dignity and perfect care that she
has.  Tho I strongly hope we never see this type of inexcusable abuse of
fuzzy's as long as we live.  THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!  Without the
caring, loving and generous people out there such as yourselves we in the
shelter world would be unable to make any difference at all.  You make US
possible and are directly involved in every little life that is saved.  Pat
yourselves on the back for that, you deserve it and much more!
With Thankfulness and Love from Kelleen and Her FANG GANG!!
PS : Could all of you big hearted angels on earth that are going to help
Dayna please drop me a short e-mail letting me know to watch for something
and perhaps how much so I have an idea what to expect in the mail?  Then I
will know about how much of what is promised has arrived at any given time
and can determine when is a good amount to send off by wire each of those
time.  We managed to save 1 Canadian fuzzy's life but this can save possibly
hundreds of fuzzy lives for not a whole lot more than that one time, one
life cost:-) Just think of the truly wonderful feeling knowing that will
bring you day after day after day.  THANKS AGAIN!!  I KNOW you will all come
thru for our Dayna!:-) <GGGGG>
*      Kelleen Andrews  &  The FANG GANG!!!!          *
*      President and Founder of F.A.N.G.              *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705           *
*      208-342-7292                                   *
*      [log in to unmask]                               *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
*         Idiocy is our only option!                  *
*     Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak              *
[Posted in FML issue 1591]